birthday to us.

readers and contributors, be proud. You're
part of a milestone: our first anniversary.
I can't say that when we
began last fall that I was certain we'd be
here a year later. But I am very proud that
we are.
Some exciting things have
happened in the last year. We're getting noticed
by all the right people. The Wall Street Journal
and the Toronto Star pointed people our way.
Yarn companies like Rowan
and yarn shops like Threadbear
Fiber Arts and Red
Bird Knits are seeing value in partnering
with us to supply materials for designs published
in our pages.
Now we're making history.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to receive
an e-mail from a curator at the Herbert Hoover
Library, asking us to work with them to translate
a knitted historical artifact into a pattern
modern knitters could use. Our Technical Editor,
Kristi Porter, took up the challenge -- and
took it a step further -- and the results
can be found here.
Kristi is cool.
Are you ready for the latest
news? Beginning with their winter issue, I'll
be writing a column in Interweave
Knits and keeping a blog on their website.
It blew my handknit socks off when Pam Allen,
the new editor, wrote to suggest a collaboration,
and it's been a joy working with her.
Yup, life is
If you want
to know who to thank for Knitty, read the
grey box to the right. It changes a little
each issue, but you'll see the same names
over and over again. We love the new folk
and we love the ones that provide such inspirational
work each issue.
And you know we love you,
our readers. You're the reason we're here.
I get a lot of messages
thanking us for this magazine and saying that
they can't believe it's free! Well, we want
to keep it that way, but we do have expenses.
So if you wish, you can help us by visiting
our Support
Knitty page. You'll find new neat stuff
to buy, ways to send in a donation of any
size and PDF flyers to print out so you can
bring our grassroots marketing efforts to
your corner of the world.
We thank you. And because
it's our way, we kiss you, too.