still have time to enter the first big Knitty
To celebrate our 2nd anniversary
issue, we're giving away cool stuff! All you
have to do be eligible is join
the Knitty readers mailing list. If you're
already on the list, you're entered to win!
There will be lots of prizes, including a
very deluxe Tom
Bihn laptop bag, a gorgeous Knitter's
Purse from Jordana Paige, the entire line
of patterns from Bags
by Mags, a kit
from BagSmith, and knitting books you
will love.
We'll announce the winners
when we release our special mini-surprise-issue
in October 2004, so join
us now! It costs nothing and we'll never,
ever share e-mail addresses with anyone. Promise.
photo: Lisanne & Bryce Thomas

We're two.
There were a few times in the last two years that
I couldn't quite imagine this issue, our ninth,
ever actually happening.
But we made it from foofarah to kerfuffle and back
again and here we are. Almost all grown up.
We started out free all around, but we're now able
to pay our contributors, and we're even giving them
a raise this issue! Our advertisers love your support
and more want to join them in our pages. Yup, mighty
fine stuff happening in Knittyworld.
I want to thank all our readers and everyone who's
listed on the right for helping us get to our 2nd
anniversary. Special thanks to Jillian for ongoing
backbone and inspiration, Kristi for rolling with
the changes in fine form, Stephannie for watching
over the readers with care and Mandy, for stepping
in with no notice and doing a great job.
Wait -- Mandy? Yes. As of the summer surprise,
Kate Watson is no longer Knitty's technical editor.
We are so sad to lose her, but her life is just
a little too full of good things lately, and we
understand. I think you'll see her name in our pages
again soon enough.
But on the happy side of this news, we welcome
Mandy Moore, who came highly recommended from our
Calgary branch office. Mandy has lived up to all
the hype. This girl knows her numbers and she knows
her yarn. And I promise her more time to edit the
next issue.
Have I mentioned recently that
my new
book will be on store shelves September 28th?
This summer, we celebrated a milestone
birthday for my mom. Her two sisters and one brother,
spouses, cousins and friends came from all over
to tell my mama how much they love her along with
my sister, our dad and our husbands.
It was really nice.
And since one of my presents to
my mom [beside the hand-knit Silken
Charlotte's Web shawl that I'd just finished
knitting for her] was the first advance copy of
my book, I had a funny feeling that knitting might
come up that weekend. Just in case, I packed a few
of the learn-to-knit kits I have stashed and off
we headed to the Poconos.
My cousins Jamie and Claire both
wanted to learn. We pulled cousin Karen in at the
last minute. We all sat on the deck overloooking
the lake, and they learned to knit. This was a really
relaxed party, as I'm sure you can tell, and so
the knitting circle broke up and reformed several
times over that afternoon.
Claire caught on really quickly
and soon became a garter-stitch perfectionist. Karen
seemed amused but not really swept up. One day,
maybe. Jamie surprised me by knitting left-handed.
I hadn't realized she was left handed! But she almost
intuitively knew how to knit continentally...and
I didn't teach her that. It did seem appropriate,
though, since she's left handed.
Except she's not. She's right
handed. And somewhere in the middle of the afternoon,
we realized what was going on.
Our Grandma, the Grandma
this magazine is dedicated to, the Grandma that
was the mom of MY mom and Jamie's dad...taught us
both to knit. But Jamie is quite a bit younger than
I am, and she didn't remember being taught.
Her hands did, though.
See, Grandma was a continental
knitter. And that's what she taught Jamie. All these
years later, even without knowing she knew how,
Jamie's hands automatically recreated the motions
our Grandma had taught her.
We were both pretty choked up
when we realized this.
I think Jamie's going to keep
knitting now. It doesn't hurt that she lives a few
blocks from Knit on 14th Street in Manhattan. Lucky
the way, you'll see below the evidence of our last
impromptu knit-in that day. Sitting on the tarmac
driveway in the comfortable afternoon sun. Soon
cousin Anita came to join us...wearing a handknit
lace vest she'd made herself.
It's in the genes, I tell you.
photo: Norman
Singer |