Couture Planner
Knit Couture
Calling all knitters
who are organized or just wannabe-organized
This big honking
binder is an anal knitter’s
dream come true. Knit Couture's
huge silk-wrapped three-ring binder
comes with a generous pile of Project
Pages, already stashed in protective
plastic sleeves. The sleeves can
also store your pattern so you can
keep track of your projects. The
best part is the pockets for a photo
& a gauge swatch on every Project
The Planner is
divided up into sections, so you
can do the same with your projects
– On the Needles, Finished
Items, Wish List & Gift List.
There’s also a Reference section
for keeping track of your stash,
needles, etc.
The Knit Planner
comes wrapped in a fab silk binding
-- available in 6 different patterns.
-JM |
More than 40 Novel Designs for Knitters
by Teva Durham
Stewart, Tabori and Chang
$29.95us [hardcover]
How many times do you get more than
you expect out of anything?
I’ve been a fan of Teva’s
work for a while and had high expectations
when I heard she had a book coming
out. This book blew me away. It
delivers on many levels –
the designs are brilliant and eclectic,
the patterns are clear and the photography
The designs are Teva’s signature
architectural style and there are
40 of them. The book is divided
into Cycles, Plane and Waves, echoing
the feeling of the patterns contained
within each chapter. Each chapter
begins with photographs of the designs
along with Teva’s description/inspiration
for the piece. The patterns follow
later in the chapter, along with
an additional photograph or two.
A few (maybe a quarter) have been
published before, but even though
I own several, I’m happy to
have them all together in one spot.
-JM |

Available at KnitOne
for people who stitch - Lemonade
by KnitOne
Ms Moreno loved these bags when
she reviewed
them for Knitty.
KnitOne keeps creating new styles,
and this is their creation to celebrate
spring. Aptly named Lemonade, this
shimmery pink bengaline creation
[lined in a contrasting black and
white silk gingham] will chase away
any winter blues you have left.
I love how the contrasty gingham
lines the underside of the handles.
Coy, those KnitOne folk.
As with all their bags, the Lemonade
comes with a handy little zippy
pouch in that same black and white
checked silk.
The daisies are adorable, but should
they prove just a little too much
for you, they can be easily removed
with no damage to the bag.
- AS |
Knitting: A Novel
Andrea Bartlett
Houghton Mifflin
$23.00us [paperback]
I usually have
a difficult time reading about knitting.
I'd rather do than read
about it. But this novel changed
that for me
This book is a
is a novel first. And a novel by
a talented writer. It tells the
story of a friendship between two
women who are brought together by
the love of knitting and all things
fiberous. While it seems hard to
have a story about two women, one
a new widow, one considered rather
an "outsider" to the "normal"
community not turn into something
sappy, this one stops just short
of being a Lifetime Movie of the
Week. Pay close attention to the
bags that Martha always carries,
that was my favorite part.
-JM |
Knits: Quick and Easy Step-By-Step
Julia Cooper
Krause Publications
$24.99us [hardcover]
I was drawn to
this book by the cover sweater,
a simple, single color chevron,
zip-front jacket. Texture is my
dream knitting, especially simple
texture that makes a big impact.
This book has
17 of those types of patterns. The
styles are of the, "I would
wear that every day" variety.
Nearly half of this book is knitting
technique, for the beginner-almost
intermediate knitter. But the information
is solid, everything is illustrated
in close up photography, and we
all need a reminder now and again
don't we?
-JM |
To Go: Flower Brooches Knit Kit
Pick Up Sticks
A kit with everything
you need to make 3 different simple
single flower pins, including the
knitting needles. The yarn is soft,
cozy and easy to knit with Cascade
220. All packed into an adorable
to-go container. The flowers are
designed to be felted or not. The
directions are easy to follow and
easy to knit and the felting is
done in the washing machine. Warning:
Knitting these cute flowers is totally
addictive. I have already been raiding
my single ball stash and knitting
more flowers for everyone I know.
Pick up a to-go
container and knit up some flowers.
-JM |
Alpaca Flower Pin
$5.00us [pattern only]
A girl can't
have too many flowers, can she?
This flower kit makes one large,
gorgeous, layered flower. The yarn
is sultry Cascade Indulgence (70%
alpaca/30% silk), which after the
optional felting gives you a luxurious
flower with a soft halo.
Felting instructions
are for hand felting in a sink,
which is my favorite way to felt.
I never get over the magic of watching
it come together.
-JM |
Unlikely Flying Object
Susan Docherty
Susan Docherty of Alba Ltd
All I need to
say to you is Planet Intarsia is
inhabited by the Sweaterheads and
you'll buy these books, right?
But what if I
add that 90% of the "illustrations"
in the book are knitted? The characters
and most of the backgrounds are
knitted in fine detail.
The stories are
charming and funny appealing to
the kid in all of us. In The
Unlikely Flying Object the
Mothership gets lonely on Planet
Intarsia and begins creating the
Sweaterheads (she's a knitting machine,
after all) starting with Salvador
Dali because he loves color.
In Lelooni
, Leooni, the mischievous moon of
Planet Intarsia, learns that practical
jokes are not the way to make friends.
All knitters will
enjoy the detail and skill that
went into creating these books.
Creative knitters will be inspired
to knit their own book.
-JM |
Poncho: Twenty Ponchos and Capelets
to Knit
by Christina
Stork and Leslie Barbazette
Stewart, Tabori and Chang
$16.95us [paperback]
Still doing the
poncho thing? Think most of the
patterns available are a bit tired?
Well, faster than
you can say "Free Martha,"
Viva Poncho can get you out of your
poncho slump. Divided into one-piece
ponchos, two-piece ponchos &
capelets there are twenty fresh,
fab & fly designs to choose
from. Extras include a bit on sizing,
add-on extras and even a dog poncho.
Plus the price is right (less than
$20) & the book is cool knitting-bag
-JM |
Crochet: 26 Fun Projects from Fashion
to Home Decor
Melissa Leapman
Chronicle Books
$19.95us [paperback]
This is one of
the least intimidating crochet books
that I've seen. It has a bunch of
patterns that have huge variety
both for crochet ability and time
to complete project. Patterns that
are cool and stylish enough to tempt
you to try something new or explore
next skill level. I'm a total crochet
moron and I found the how-to directions
and illustrations really easy to
Of course, I had
a feeling that this book would be
good because the author, Melissa
Leapman has been designing cool
crochet patterns long before crochet
became the latest trend.
-JM |
Knitted Rug: 21 Fantastic Designs
Donna Druchunas
Lark Books
$24.95us [paperback]
Knitted rugs are
another stop on the path to completely
covering your world in knitted things.
This book is chock full of information
beyond the 21 patterns for actual
rug making. There is a history section,
a gallery of contemporary knitted
rugs, knitting how-to - for the
beginning and forgetful, directions
for finishing and backing rugs,
care of hand knitted rugs and guidelines
to make coordinating pillow and
wall hangings.
The one thing
she doesn't tell is how to afford
making an alpaca-silk loop rug to
put next to my bed so I can sqoosh
my toes in it first thing every
morning, wouldn't that be a fabulous
wake-up call?
-JM |
to Dye For: Creating Self Patterning
Yarns for Knitting
Kathleen Taylor
Interweave Press
$21.95us [paperback]
In 30 pages, Yarns
to Dye For, unlocks the secrets
of self-patterning yarn and teaches
you how to do it yourself. Really.
Even someone with the attention
span of a gnat (that would be me)
can get it.
It's just enough
information, spelled out simply
and accurately you can read and
be up to your elbows dying in an
hour (if you have the materials).
No part of your stash is safe. There
are directions for several types
of effect dying -- graduated, zigzag,
stripes and fair isle.
Did I mention
that there are knitting patterns
too? Rather than leave you hanging
with a bunch of dyed yarn and the
game of hit and miss dyeing, until
you figure out colors that work,
this book brilliantly has 22 designed-to-use
self-patterning yarn patterns. Along
with each pattern is the recipe
for how the yarn was dyed. Every
piece of information you need, colors
and dyes used, length of skein that
was dyed and length and order of
each color used. You can't go wrong.
-JM |
Style: Contemporary Sweaters from
Linden Ward and Beryl Hiatt
Martingale & company
$34.95us [paperback]
From the same
team that brought you Simply Beautiful
Sweaters and own the Tricoter yarn
shop in Seattle. While their style
of design isn't always my style,
I am always awed by how they convey
an absolute adoration of whatever
yarn they are using.
Their designs
are simply shaped, but not simplistic
-- there are subtle features, shaping,
stitch patterns, color changes that
showcase yarn. Their patterns are
a lesson in design.
-JM |