5 (1400 beads)[5 (1595 beads), 6 (1785 beads), 6
(1975 beads)] strands
of seed beads onto the ball of DMC cotton as follows:
If you bought the beads on a hank,
separate a strand
and tie off one of its ends to prevent losing beads.
Make a loop with the end of the cotton, and tie
the loose end of the strand
around the cotton. Gently slide the beads onto the
If you did not buy beads on a
hank, you will need to first thread the beads onto
the beading thread. Pour the beads into a shallow
bowl, and use the beading needle to thread the beads.
Follow the instructions for transferring the strands
of beads onto the ball of cotton,
but only transfer a few hundred beads at a time.
Don't thread all the beads and try to transfer them
all at once.
CO 15 sts.
Work in garter stitch for 0.5
Begin Beadwork
NOTE: In sections marked "Bead Increases"
and "Bead Decreases", the number of sts
in the row does not change. Only the numbers of
beads between sts, and therefore the overall width
of the cuff, changes.
Bead increases
Row 1 [RS]: K2, sld1, k3, sld1, k5, sld1,
k3, sld1, k2.
Row 2 [WS]: K2, sld1, k3, sld1, k1, p3,
k1, sld1, k3, sld1, k2.
Row 3 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld2, k5, sld2,
k3, sld2, k2.
Row 4 [WS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld2, k1, p3,
k1, sld2, k3, sld2, k2.
Row 5 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld3, k5, sld3,
k3, sld2, k2.
Row 6 [WS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld3, k1, p3,
k1, sld3, k3, sld2, k2.
Body of beadwork
Row 7 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld4, k2, yo,
k2tog, k1, sld4, k3, sld2, k2.
Rows 8, 10, 12 [WS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld4,
k1, p3, k1, sld4, k3, sld2, k2.
Rows 9, 11 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld4, k5,
sld4, k3, sld2, k2.
Repeat Rows 7-12 until
bracelet reaches 5.75[6.5, 7.25, 8] inches, ending
with Row 8.
Bead decreases
Row 1 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld3, k5, sld3,
k3, sld2, k2.
Row 2 [WS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld3, k1, p3,
k1, sld3, k3, sld2, k2.
Row 3 [RS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld2, k5, sld2,
k3, sld2, k2.
Row 4 [WS]: K2, sld2, k3, sld2, k1, p3,
k1, sld2, k3, sld2, k2.
Row 5 [RS]: K2, sld1, k3, sld1, k5, sld1,
k3, sld1, k2.
Row 6 [WS]: K2, sld1, k3, sld1, k1, p3,
k1, sld1, k3, sld1, k2.
Work in garter stitch for 0.5
BO all sts.