If you are the sort of knitter
who carefully packs yarn away each season,
tenderly resting anti-pest remedies among
the cushiony balls and skeins, whose yarn
stash is a model of organization and prudence,
or if you are the sort of knitter who never
has more yarn at hand than the current project
needs, please stop reading.
Ok, it's just us, now: we
who shove and stuff our yarn away and than
find to our dismay that we have made duplicate
purchases. We whose yarn is falling out of
the holes in the bottom of plastic grocery
bags underneath the stand holding the dead
plant in the foyer (I hope there's more than
one of us). [planter picture] We who find,
when we are madly scrubbing in anticipation
of houseguests, forgotten skeins of yarn hiding
deep under book cases, sofas and big things
we don't bother to look under. We who wrest
one ball of yarn from a bunch only to have
it bring all of its kin along for a grand
bounce across the floor. We who find skeins
that have been cavorting since God knows when
with dust bunnies and pet hair, now resembling
nothing so much as mutant moles.
For several years now, I've
been faced with the spectre of my winter yarns
come fall. Since I touched them last, they've
become tangled, frayed at the ends, dusty,
and for all I know, lousy with moth eggs.
While I untangle, de-dust, and re-sort them,
I swear they've become savage and aggressive
through my neglect. And by the time I'm done
with the Great Untangling, inevitably, two
things come to mind:
I have way too much *&#)% yarn; and
A lot of it just isn't as cute as it was the
last time I saw it.

This will be the last year
that I am forced to endure the Grand Untangling
before I can even start on my lovingly, longingly
compiled list of things that I want to knit
during the cool seasons. I say we break away
from the tyranny of spring cleaning. Why not
use the waning hours of evening sunlight to
reexamine and purge our stuff? After all,
are we not preparing to hunker down in our
dwellings for the long winter months? Do we
not face the prospect of staring at our four
walls until we risk a descent into madness
that would jar even Kafka? I suggest we do
what we can - now - to make our abodes the
cozy comfy and creative places we want them
to be.
And to do that, we hoarding
knitters must get control of our supplies.
Organization is all the rage right now, on
television, in magazines and books. Let's
jump on that bandwagon. Let's adapt the benevolent
mantra of "reduce, reuse and recycle"
to our own use.
Pull all of your stuff out
of whatever storage system and/or anti-system
you use and take a good, honest and long look
at your knitting supplies. How much of it
do you really love? How much yarn will you
really ever use? How many books and/or magazines
do you actually refer to? Are you saving a
big shopping bag full of skritchy vintage
yarn that you got at a thrift store ten years
ago (not that there's anything wrong with
that)? How much of your yarn is, ahem, covered
in pet hair (not including those yarns deliberately
spun from your furry friends)? How many needles
are bent, or are chipped, or are missing a
Wouldn't you be just as
happy with less of it? Sure, you would! Take
a deep breath and start making a "get
rid of it" pile. Make it big.

Get your knitting friends
in on the action. Indeed, if your social circle
has members active in other crafts prone to
supply-hoarding, encourage a mass shedding.
Bribe the friend with the biggest house with
whatever it takes to make her or him host
a gathering, then have everyone show up with
the stuff they no longer want. If your friends
are like mine, the scarcity of free time might
necessitate offering good booze to ensure
attendance, but once there and liquored up
they'll enthusiastically swap their stuff
Have joy in your heart when
you part with your stuff. Use the utmost discretion
in picking up new-to-you stuff. Be resolutely
honest in your answer when you ask of each
item "Will I really use you?" The
key, and this is very important, is to leave
with LESS than you came with. LESS. I mean
it. If you go home with the same amount or,
God forbid, more, you're defeating the whole
purpose of this exercise, and I wash my hands
LEFTOVER STUFF. You'll only be tempted to
put it back in your newly-reduced stash. Go
home with someone else's leftovers.
If all went as it was supposed
to, you and your friends have gobs of stuff
left that none of you wanted. But someone,
somewhere wants it. Donate it! Schools, senior
centers, community centers, libraries, and
thrift stores are good places to start. Many
hospitals have blanket and/or chemo cap programs
with many willing hands but not enough knitting
and crocheting supplies. Organizations that
work with troubled youth are often dreadfully
undersupplied. If group dynamics dictate,
designate a charity before hand. Some people
are more likely to give till it hurts if they
know who, exactly, is going to benefit.

you feel lighter? Sure, you do! But there
is still more to do. Dedicate ample space
for your passion. Gather up all the dog-eared
pages from Knitty you've printed out, all
the free on-line patterns that are sitting
in haphazard piles. Hie thee to your local
office supply store and invest in binders
and three-hole punched plastic sleeves. Put
the patterns in the sleeves, classify them
according to your wont (e.g., sweaters all
together, or all cabled items together) and
pop them in the binders.
Invest in some magazine
holders. They're infinitely classier than
a tumble-down pile and they fit on many bookshelves.
Dust and reshelve all of your books. Invest
in a needle holder. If you like to look at
your yarn for inspiration, clear out a book
case and NEATLY stack your yarn therein. If
you have the room, use a few dresser drawers;
if not, there are nifty clear bins that fit
under the bed. Again, organize your yarn the
way that makes the most sense for you. By
color? [shelf picture] By weight? By fiber
content? Whatever. At the end of all of this
toil, you will know what you have, and exactly
where it is.
And you will be able to
embark on your creative winter sleigh-ride
without stopping to untangle the reins. Or
pick out the dog hair.