Thinking of taking a summer
knit break?
Consider these 5 good reasons to keep on knitting

2003 is about to debut in the northern hemisphere.
Many knitters take a break from knitting during
the summer, but I think summer's custom-made
for engaging the sticks and string. Here are
a few reasons why:
Knitting as sanity saver
I owe my love of summer
knitting to Little League baseball.
My sons Michael and Dusty
(now 21 and 25) played Little League baseball
from the time they were 5 until high school.
Each summer they played regular season AND
All Star games, as they were both good ball
Like most parents, I got
very involved in their games - sometimes too
involved! One summer, three different umpires
threatened to throw me out of the ballpark
for disagreeing too loudly with their calls.
Was it the summer heat that
changed me from a peaceful person into a crazed
Little League baseball mother - a menace to
myself and my embarrassed sons? Maybe. Statistics
show emotional temperatures tend to rise with
the thermometer.
I started to bring my knitting
to all their baseball games. The excess attention
I had been giving the game, I put into my
knitting instead. It provided just the balance
needed so I could be the kind of sane, supportive
sports mom I really wanted to be. Over the
years, people asked me how I could knit and
watch the game at the same time? I would reply,
"Knitting keeps me from getting thrown
out of the ballpark." Usually they would
smile a knowing smile and then start keeping
track of my process and projects from game
to game.
It may not be Little League
baseball for you. Maybe it's a family reunion
with the brother-in-law that always pushes
your buttons or the company picnic where you
have to be nice to all those people who make
your life hell during the week. Anywhere you
might need to put some space between yourself
and something or someone else, knitting, at
least for me, is the perfect therapeutic boundary-setting
Natural light
In my opinion, there's no
better knitting than knitting in natural light.
No other season gives us as many natural light
hours in a day as summer. I'm committed to
using as many of them to knit as possible.
Personally, I love to knit
outside. Give me a chair on the porch or under
a leafy green tree and I'm happy for hours.
Those of you who prefer the air-conditioned
comfort of The Great Indoors can take advantage
of natural light as well - just find a window
and pull up a chair.
Natural light is the best
light for determining true color values. This
makes summer a great time to plan colorways
for winter projects. [Not to mention try your
hand at dyeing your own yarn when you can
experiment outside.]

is prime Knitting In Public (KIP) time
Some of the best summertime-only
public places to knit:
- Outdoor patio at the
local cafe
- Table at our Saturday
morning Farmer's Market
- Outdoor ______ (fill
in the blank) festivals
- Sporting events - amateur
or professional
- Lunch hour and a sidewalk
table at my favorite deli
- Anywhere I'm going to
be outside and sitting for more than 15
While it's technically not
KIPing, don't forget knitting in the
car. [As long as you aren't the one driving!]
A recent news report says
that during summer 2003, most Americans are
planning vacations closer to home because
of the economy, fears of terrorism and recent
SARS outbreaks. The report went on to say
that a large percentage of those planning
to travel are opting to drive to their vacation
destination. If they're knitters, they could
relax en route to their destination while
creating something fabulous.
I like to keep my
knitting in a bag that's always ready to walk
out the door with me. If you are working on
a project that's too big or bulky for the
car, consider putting together a bag especially
for the car that contains a smaller project,
better suited to traveling.
Rest and relaxation
Summer is the season of
doing. From yard-work and gardening
to your favorite physical activities, there's
always something to do. I confess, I have
a hard time knowing when to stop. If I'm not
doing, I'm not being productive. Yes,
I know, I'm a Type A personality. Yes, I know
that makes me prone to stress-related illnesses.
That's why knitting is so perfect for me.
It gives me much of the same benefits a short
nap would, but allows me to feel like I'm
accomplishing something.
Two or three knit-breaks
inserted throughout the day can provide the
extra physical and mental energy I need to
make the most of my day.
Get a jump on the holiday gift list
Summer's take-along projects
can turn into winter's completed holiday gifts.
Hats, scarves and mittens are good take-along
projects that make for great gift giving.