Using CC1, CO 3 sts. Work 1 row of I-Cord.
Join CC2 and continue working I-Cord as follows:
Row 1: Using CC2, m1, k to end.
Row 2: Using CC1, k all sts.
Row 3: Add stuffing; using CC2, k all sts.
Row 4: Using CC1, k all sts.
Rows 5-8: Work as for Rows 1-4.
Row 9: Using CC2, m1, k to end. 6 sts.
Distribute sts evenly between 3 double-point needles
and begin working in the round.
Round 10: Using CC1, coil shell, k to end.
Round 11: Add stuffing; using CC2, k all
Round 12: Using CC1, k all sts.
Round 13: Using CC2, m1, k to end.
Repeat Rounds 10-13 29 times more. 36 sts.
Work Rounds 10-12 once more.
Work 4 more rounds, alternating colors as set.
BO all sts. Break yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread
yarn tail on tapestry needle and sew several sts
to help secure shell in coiled position. Fasten
yarn and hide ends inside shell.
Proceed to Face.
Shell (Straight)
Using CC1, CO 3 sts. Work 1 row of I-Cord.
Join CC2 and continue working I-Cord as follows:
Row 1: Using CC2, m1, k to end. 4 sts.
Row 2: Using CC1, k all sts.
Row 3: Add stuffing; using CC2, k all sts.
Row 4: Using CC1, k all sts.
Rows 5-8: Work as for Rows 1-4.
Row 9: Using CC2, m1, k to end. 6 sts. Distribute
sts evenly between 3 double-point needles and begin
working in the round.
Rounds 10-13: Work as for Rows 2-5.
Repeat Rounds 10-13 29 times more. 36 sts.
Work Rounds 10-12 once more.
Work 4 more rounds, alternating colors as set.
BO all sts. Weave yarn end an inch or so down
into inside of shell; fasten securely. Proceed to
Using MC, CO 36 sts. Distribute evenly between 3 double-point
needles and join to begin working in the round.
Rounds 1-6: K all sts.
Round 7: [K10, k2tog] to end.
Round 8: [K9, k2tog] to end.
Round 9: [K8, k2tog] to end.
Round 10: [K7, k2tog] to end.
Round 11: [K6, k2tog] to end.
Round 12: [K5, k2tog] to end.
Round 13: [K4, k2tog] to end.
Round 14:
[K3, k2tog] to end.
Round 15:
[K2, k2tog] to end.
Round 16:
[K1, k2tog] to end. 6 sts rem.
Break yarn, draw through rem sts and pull tight. Fasten
yarn on inside of work.