[make 2]
Using MC, CO 44 sts. Divide sts evenly between
3 needles and join to begin working in the round,
being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x2 Rib until work measures 1 inch.
Next Round: Using MC, k all sts.
Next Round: Using CC, k all sts.
These 2 rounds set Stripe Pattern.
[Note: At beginning of each round pull
both strands snug, and hold non-working color
taut while working first 2-3 sts of new round,
in order to prevent holes.]
Cont in Stripe Pattern until work measures
5 inches, ending with a CC round. Break CC.
Heel Flap
Next Row: Using MC, k11 onto one needle,
then slip last 11 sts of previous round onto beg
of same needle. 22 sts on needle. The Heel Flap
will be worked back and forth over these 22 sts,
using MC.
Turn work to begin working a WS row.
Row 1 [WS]: Sl1, p to end.
Row 2 [RS]: [Sl1, k1] to end.
Repeat these 2 rows 9 times more, then work
Row 1 once more.
Turn Heel
Next Row [RS]: Sl1, k13, SKP. Turn
Next Row [WS]: Sl1, p6, p2tog. Turn
Next Row [RS]: Sl1, k6, SKP. Turn
Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more, then work
first row once more. All sts have been worked;
8 sts rem.
K 1 row. Heel Flap is complete.
Using working needle (needle holding 8 sts
from heel flap), pick up and k 11 sts along
adjacent edge of heel flap, and 1 st at base
of heel flap; k next 22 sts of round onto
next needle; with last needle, pick up and
k 1 st at base of heel flap, and 11 sts along
rem edge of heel flap, then k first 4 sts
of heel flap. 54 sts; 16 sts on first needle,
22 sts on second needle, 16 sts on third needle.
Rejoin CC and cont as follows:
Next Round: Using CC, k to last 3
sts on first needle, ssk, k1; k all sts on
second needle; k1, k2tog, k to end of third
Next Round: Using MC, k all sts.
Repeat these 2 rounds 4 times more. 44 sts
Redistribute sts if desired and cont in
Stripe Pattern, beg with a CC row, until work
measures 5 inches from back of heel, or to
1 inch from base of toes. (Try on sock on
needles to check length.) Break CC.
Using MC, work in 2x2 Rib for 1 inch. BO
all sts in patt.