Earflap [make 2 alike]:
Using CC3 and one circular needle,
CO 10 sts. Working back and forth, K 2 rows.
Increase row: K1, m1, k to last 2 sts, m1, k1. Next
row: K.
Rep these 2 rows 3[4, 4, 5] more
times. 18[20, 20, 22] sts
K 10 rows even, then work above
2 rows 4[4, 5, 5] more times. 26[28, 30, 32] sts.
Cut yarn and transfer sts to spare dpn.
Cut six 4-yard lengths of CC1
and fold each one in half to use double-stranded.
Cut six pieces of CC2 in varying lengths; you will
use CC2 as a carry-along. Set them aside for now.
Using crochet hook and waste yarn,
work at least 60[65, 70, 75] chains. Using one circ
needle and MC, k 1 st through 1 loop of each chain,
beg at right end of work and ending at left. Rep
until you have a total of 52[56, 60, 64] sts on
the needle. Turn work upside down [working yarn
will now be on the right end]. Using the second
circ needle, k another st in a second loop of each
ch. Rep for a total of 52[56, 60, 64] sts on the
second needle [they will run parallel to the first
set of sts]. 104[112, 120, 128] sts Join, being
careful not to twist and placing marker to show
beg of rnd.

circularly using two-circular-needle method for
4.5[5, 5.5, 6] inches in MC, randomly adding the
precut lengths of CC1 and CC2 as follows: When using
CC1, drop MC and use double strand of CC1 for 1
rnd, then change back to MC and drop CC1, twisting
yarns to avoid holes. When using CC2, carry a strand
of CC2 along with MC until approximately 4 inches
are left of CC2; then drop CC2 and continue with
MC alone. [If the idea of randomness drives you
crazy, assign each CC to a repeat color in the self-striping
MC yarn. For example, using the colors shown in
the sample, knit 1 rnd of CC1 (glittery purple)
after every navy stripe. Begin carrying CC2 whenever
you begin a medium-pink stripe.] When body of hat
reaches desired length, cut yarn end of rnd. You
may want to gently fluff the tufts of CC2 so that
they show to optimal effect on the RS of work.
Sl 39[42, 45, 48] sts from left-hand
needle to right-hand needle. Place marker to show
beg of rnd. [This side is back of hat.] Using CC3,
work circularly in garter st [K 1 rnd, p 1 rnd]
for an additional inch, ending P row. Last row:
sl 1 earflap onto spare dpn. Use 3-needle bind-off
to attach earflap and BO next 26[28, 30, 32] sts.
BO next 26[28, 30, 32] sts. Sl rem earflap onto
spare dpn, and use 3-needle bind-off to attach earflap
and BO next 26[28, 30, 32] sts in same manner. BO
rem sts. Weave in ends.