With US #10 circ needles
and 1 strand of raffia, CO 15 sts.
Work in garter stitch for 6 rows.
End with a RS row.
Bag Sides
Place marker, *pick up and
knit 1 st at corner, pm, pick up 15 sts, pm*
three times, pick up 1 st at last corner,
place contrasting marker -- 64 sts on circular
Position bag so the picked-up selvedge edge
of bottom is on the inside and begin working
in St st.
The last 15 st section that was picked up
is the front of the bag.
Working in St st, follow chart to create lace
pattern on back side of bag and AT SAME TIME
slip corner stitches every other row to create
a 'turning corner' that will help the bag
hold its shape.
Work even, following lace pattern for back
of bag with no decreasing on the sides for
4 rounds.
Side Shaping
While working back in lace
pattern and front in St st beg decreasing
at sides as follows: Work 4 rows with no shaping,
then beg with row 5 k2tog-LS, K to last 2
sts before marker, K2tog-RS [see side chart].
Continue working both sides in the same manner,
decreasing until only 5 sts rem on each side
between markers [row 15] -- 44 sts rem.

Leaving 29 sts from both
sides and front on the circ needle, continue
working 15 sts of back on straight needles.
Continue following chart to create the back
flap of the bag.
Work to row 38 of chart.
Next row [RS]: Using ribbon, knit.
Next row [WS] *With ribbon K1, with raffia
K1* repeat to last st, with ribbon, K1.
Next row [RS] With ribbon, knit.
Continue working in St st in ribbon only until
inner flap measures same as outer [raffia]
flap at point where sts had been set aside,
end with a WS row.
Next row: [RS] Using the circular needle,
purl 15 sts off of straight needle then continue
around bag on circular needles -- 44 sts.
Next round and every subsequent round: Knit.

Reverse shaping for sides
of bags by inc 1 st on either edge of side
every other round until 15 sts rem between
side markers - 64 sts total.
Work even until lining measures 5 inches deep.
Next round: [K14, VDD [remove markers]] four
Next round: [K12, VDD] four times.
Next round: [K10, VDD] four times.
Continue in this manner until 8 sts rem.
Cut ribbon, leaving an 8 inches tail and pull
through rem 8 sts.
Knot ribbon on WS and weave in end.