Worked from the tail end to the tip of the beak.
Using MC, CO 30 sts.
Row 1 [RS]: K 15, pm, k15.
Cont in stockinette stitch for 11 more rows.
*Decrease Row [RS]: K to 3 sts before m,
ssk, k2, k2tog, k to end.
Cont in stockinette stitch for 13 more rows.
Rep from * once more, then work Decrease Row once
more. 24 sts rem.
Remove marker. Work 3 rows even.
Begin Short Row Shaping for Head
Row 1 [RS]: K20, w&t.
Row 2 [WS]: P16, w&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K14, w&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P12, w&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K10, w&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P8, w&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K6, w&t.
Row 8 [WS]: P4, w&t.
Row 9 [RS]: K to end, picking up and knitting
wraps together with respective sts.
Row 10 [WS]: P all sts, picking up and
purling wraps together with respective sts.
Rep these 10 rows once more.
Next row [RS]: Use backwards loop or knitted-on
method to CO 5 sts, k to end.
Next row [WS]: CO 5 sts, p to end. 34 sts.
Begin Decreases for Head
Next row [RS]: K7, [k2tog, k4] to last
9 sts, k2tog, k7. 30 sts rem.
Next row [WS]: P all sts.
Next row [RS]: [K1, k2tog] to end. 20 sts
Work 2 rows even.
Begin Beak
Change to CC2 and work 3 rows even.
Next row [RS]: K2, [k2tog, k1] to end.
14 sts rem.
Work 3 rows even.
Next row [RS]: K2tog across.
Break yarn, thread through rem 7 sts and fasten
Worked from the bottom to the neck in stockinette
With CC1, CO 10 sts. P 1 row.
Increase Row [RS]: K1, m1, k to last st,
m1, k1.
Work one row even.
Work these 2 rows twice more.
Work Increase Row.
Work 3 rows even.
Work Increase Row once more. 20 sts.
P 2 rows. The single row that is purled on the RS
forms the fold line that separates the bottom from
the stomach.
Work 7 rows even.
Increase Row [RS]: [K4, m1] to last 4 sts k4. 24
P 1 row.
Begin Short Row Shaping
for Stomach
Row 1 [RS]: K20, w&t.
Row 2 [WS]: P16, w&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K14, w&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P12, w&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K10, w&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P8, w&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K all sts, picking up and knitting
wraps together with respective sts.
Row 8 [WS]: P all sts, picking up and purling
wraps together with respective sts.
Row 9 [RS]: K all sts.
Row 10 [WS]: P all sts.
Rep these 10 rows twice more. If you don't want
your penguin to be quite so rotund, skip the third
repeat and work four rows even instead.
Next row [RS]: K12, pm, k to end.
P 1 row.
Decrease Row [RS]: K to 3 sts before marker,
ssk, k2, k2tog, k to end.
P 1 row.
Rep Decrease Row. 20 sts rem.
Change to CC2. P 1 row and remove marker.
Decrease Row [RS]: K1, [k2tog, k2] to last
3 sts, k2tog, k1. 15 sts rem.
Work 7 rows even.
BO all sts.
(Make 2)
With MC, CO 15 sts.
Work 16 rows in stockinette stitch.
Decrease Row [RS]: K1, ssk, k to last 3
sts, k2tog, k1.
P 1 row.
Work these 2 rows 4 times more.
BO rem 5 sts.
(Make 4)
With CC2, CO 9 sts.
Work 2 rows in stockinette stitch.
Decrease Row [RS]: K1, ssk, k to last 3
sts, k2tog, k1.
P 1 row.
Work these 2 rows once more.
Next Row [RS]: K1, ssk, k to end.
Work 2 rows even.
BO rem 4 sts.