Using double-point needles, CO 24 sts. Divide sts
between needles and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist.
Rounds 1-16: K all sts.
Round 17: [K6, k2tog] 3 times. 21 sts rem.
Round 18: K all sts.
Round 19: [K5, k2tog] 3 times. 18 sts rem.
Round 20: K all sts.
Round 21: [K4, k2tog] 3 times. 15 sts.
Round 22: K all sts.
Round 23: [K3, k2tog] 3 times. 12 sts.
Round 24: K all sts.
Round 25: [K2, k2tog] 3 times. 9 sts.
Round 26: K all sts.
Round 27: [K1, k2tog] 3 times. 6 sts.
Rounds 28, 29: K all sts.

Round 30: [K1, m1, k1] 3 times. 9 sts.
Round 31: [K1, m1, k2] 3 times. 12 sts.
Round 32: [K1, m1, k3] 3 times. 15 sts.
Round 33: [K1, m1, k4] 3 times. 18 sts.
Round 34: [K1, m1, k5] 3 times. 21 sts.
Round 35: [K1, m1, k6] 3 times. 24 sts
Rounds 36-40: K all sts.
Round 41: [K6, k2tog] 3 times. 21 sts rem.
Round 42: [K5, k2tog] 3 times. 18 sts rem.
Round 43: [K4, k2tog] 3 times. 15 sts.
Round 44: [K3, k2tog] 3 times. 12 sts.
Round 45: [K2, k2tog] 3 times. 9 sts.
Round 46: [K1, k2tog] 3 times. 6 sts.
Round 47: [K2tog] 3 times. 3 sts rem.
Break yarn and draw through rem sts, pull tight.
Lightly stuff head. Weave in end at top of head.
Using straight needles, pick up and k 4 sts on left
side of head in appropriate position for ear.
K 3 rows.
Next Row: [K2tog] twice. 2 sts rem.
Break yarn and draw through rem sts, pull tight.
Weave in ends.
Work Right Ear in the same way.
Arms (Make 2)
Using double-point needles, CO 10 sts. Divide sts
between needles and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist.
K 19 rounds.
Next Round: [K2tog] 5 times. 5 sts
K 1 round.
Break yarn, graft remaining
5 sts together.
Stuff arms, using less filling near shoulders
(CO ends of arms).
Sew arms to body near neck, slightly towards
back of bear.
Weave ends into body.
Stuff bear's head firmly and stuff body lightly.

Using 3 double-point needles, pick up and k 12 sts
along lower edge of right side of body.
Distribute sts and designate needles as follows:
Needle 1: Back edge of leg
Needle 2: Right edge of leg
Needle 3: Front edge of leg
Join sts at center (bottom of bear) to begin working
in the round, beginning with Needle 1.
Rounds 1-12: K all sts.
Round 13: K9, [k1, m1] 3 times. 15 sts.
Rounds 14-16:
K all sts.
Round 17: K2tog, k1, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k
to end. 12 sts.
Round 18: K2tog, k1, k2tog, k to end. 10
Round 19: K2tog, k8. 9 sts rem.
Stuff leg, divide sts between 2 needles so that
opening between needles runs front to back of foot,
graft foot closed. Weave in ends at foot and top
of leg.
Stuff body more firmly.
Left Leg
Using 3 double-point needles, pick up and k 12 sts
along lower edge of left side of body.
Distribute sts and designate needles as follows:
Needle 1: Front edge of leg
Needle 2: Left edge of leg
Needle 3: Back edge of leg
Rounds 1-12: K all sts.
Round 13: [K1, m1] 3 times, k to end. 15
Rounds 1-16: K all sts.
Round 17: K7, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k1, k2tog.
12 sts.
Round 18: K7, k2tog, k1, k2tog. 10 sts.
Round 19: K8, k2tog. 9 sts rem.
Stuff leg, divide sts between 2 needles so that
opening between needles runs front to back of foot,
graft foot closed.
Add stuffing to body if necessary, sew body closed
at bottom.
Weave in rem ends.