This garment is worked with two strands of
yarn held together.
Lower Left Body
Using longer needle and two strands of yarn
held together, CO 13 sts using CC, then 50[57,
62, 68, 74, 80] sts using MC. Do not join.
Beg with a RS row, work MC sts in Split Stitch
and CC sts in Seed Stitch, wrapping yarns
between MC and CC sections as described in
Intarsia notes (see Pattern Notes above).
Cont in patt as set until work measures 8
inches, ending with a WS row. Place all sts
on st holder or waste yarn; break MC but not
Lower Right Body
Using longer needle, CO 50[57, 62, 68, 74,
80] sts using MC, then 13 sts using CC. Do
not join.
Beg with a RS row, work CC sts in Seed Stitch
and MC sts in Split Stitch until work measures
8 inches, ending with a WS row.
Lower Body
Place Lower Left Body on needle with Lower
Right Body, with MC sections adjacent.
Next Row [RS]: Work Lower Right
Body in patt as set until second strand of
last st remains, k this strand tog with first
strand of first st of Lower Left Body, cont
in patt to end of row. 126[140, 150, 162,
174, 186] sts on needle (100[114, 124, 136,
148, 160] MC sts).
Cont in patt until work measures 21.5[22,
22.5, 23, 23.5, 24] inches, ending with a
RS row.
Upper Body
Next Row [WS]: Work 25[28, 30, 32,
34, 36] sts in patt, BO 12 sts, work 52[60,
66, 74, 82, 90] sts (including st on right
needle from BO) in patt, BO 12 sts, work rem
25[28, 30, 32, 34, 36] sts in patt.
Next Row [RS]: Work 25[28, 30, 32,
34, 36] sts in patt, place rem sts on st holders
Next Row [WS]: Work in patt to last
2 sts, w2tog.
Upper Right Front
Next Row [RS]: W2tog, work rem CC
sts in patt, work to end in patt.
Next Row [WS]: Work in patt to last
2 sts, w2tog.
Repeat these 2 rows 4 times more. 2 CC sts
Next Row [RS]: W2tog, break CC,
draw yarn through rem CC st and pull tight,
work to end in patt. 12[15, 17, 19, 21, 23]
sts rem.
Cont in patt until work measures 10[10, 10.5,
11, 11.5, 12] inches from base of armhole,
ending with a RS row. Place sts on st holder.
Upper Left Front
Replace sts for Left Front on needle with
RS facing and rejoin yarn.
Work 1 row in patt.
Next Row [WS]: W2tog, work rem CC
sts in patt, work to end in patt.
Next Row [RS]: Work in patt to last
2 sts, w2tog.
Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more. At end of
last row, break CC, draw yarn through rem
CC st and pull tight. 12[15, 17, 19, 21, 23]
sts rem.
Cont in patt until work measures 10[10, 10.5,
11, 11.5, 12] inches from base of armhole,
ending with a RS row. Place sts on st holder.
Upper Back
Replace sts for Back on needle and rejoin
Work in patt until work measures 10[10, 10.5,
11, 11.5, 12] inches from base of armhole,
ending with a WS row (work 1 less row than
for Fronts).
Next Row [RS]: Work 12[15, 17, 19,
21, 23] sts in patt, BO 28[30, 32, 36, 40,
44] sts, work in patt to end.
Join Fronts to Back at shoulders using Three-Needle
Bind Off.
Sleeves (Make
Note: Sleeves are worked using a 12 inch or
16 inch circular needle. If you are using
a 16 inch needle and you find that you do
not have enough stitches to reach comfortably
around the needle when working in the round,
you may want to work 1 row with your 16 inch
needle, and the next row with your 32 inch
needle, alternating needles each row. Using
double-point needles, two circular needles
for each row, or the magic loop technique,
are not recommended due to the nature of the
stitch pattern.
Using shorter circular needle and two strands
of CC held together, CO 49[49, 53, 57, 61,
65] sts. Do not join.
Work in Seed Stitch until work measures 6
Switch to MC, place marker and join to begin
working in the round.
Work in Split Stitch until work measures 16.5[17,
17.5, 18, 18.5, 19] inches from beginning
of Split Stitch section, or desired length
to underearm.
(Cuff will be folded back 4 inches.)
Next Round: Remove marker, work
19[19, 21, 23, 25, 27] sts in patt, BO 12
sts. 37[37, 41, 45, 49, 53] sts rem.
Sleeve Cap
Working back and forth, work 8 rows in patt.
Work Split Stitch Decrease Row.
Work 3 rows in patt. Work Split Stitch Decrease
Work 2 rows in patt. Work Split Stitch Decrease
Repeat these 3 rows once more. 29[29, 33,
37, 41, 45] sts rem.
Work 1 row in patt.
Work Split Stitch Decrease Row.
Repeat these 2 rows 4 times more. 19[19, 23,
27, 31, 35] sts rem.
Work Split Stitch Decrease Row each row 3[3,
5, 7, 7, 7] times. 13[13, 13, 13, 17, 21]
sts rem.
BO rem sts.
Right Collar
Using two strands of CC held together, CO
13 sts.
Work 4 rows in Seed Stitch.
Next Row [RS]: Ssk, work in patt
to end.
Work 3 rows in patt.
Repeat these 4 rows 7 times more. 5 sts rem.
Cont in patt until work measures 10.5[11,
12, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5] inches. BO rem sts.
Left Collar
Using two strands of CC held together, CO
13 sts.
Work 4 rows in Seed Stitch.
Next Row [RS]: Work in patt to last
2 sts, k2tog.Work 3 rows in patt.
Repeat these 4 rows 7 times more. 5 sts rem.
Cont in patt until work measures 10.5[11,
12, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5] inches. BO rem sts.