Using Crochet Cast On, CO 36 sts.
Row 1: P all sts.
Row 2: K35, turn work.
Row 3: Yo, p34, turn work.
Row 4: Yo, k33, turn work.
Rows 5-24: Work as for Rows 3 and 4, working
each row 1 st shorter than the last.
Row 25: Yo, p12, turn work.
Row 26: Yo, k12, untwist next st (yo from
previous row), k2tog (yo has been knit tog with
next st on needle), turn work.
Row 27: Yo, p13, sl next 2 sts knitwise,
one at a time, to right needle, sl these sts back
to left needle and p2tog tbl, turn work.
Row 28: Yo, k14, untwist next 2 sts, k3tog,
turn work.
Row 29: Yo, p15, sl next 3 sts knitwise,
one at a time, to right needle, sl these sts back
to left needle and p3tog tbl, turn work.
Rows 30-47: Work as for Rows 28 and 29,
working each row 1 st longer than the last.
Row 48: Yo, k34, untwist next 2 sts, k3tog.
Remove crochet chain from CO and place resulting
35 live sts on needle, k these sts, m1. You will
now commence working in the round.
Next Round: K3tog tbl (remaining 2 yarn
overs decreased), k to end of round. 72 sts on needle.
Next Round: Work 12 sts of Lace Chart 3
times, k36.
Cont in patt as set, working 36 sts in Lace pattern,
and 36 sts in stockinette st, until work measures
2 inches less than length of sole of foot.
Next Round: Work 36 sts in Lace patt as
set, place sts just worked on st holder. Work Heel
over rem 36 sts in same way as Toe to Row 47.
Row 48 [Heel]: Yo, k34, untwist next 2
sts, k3tog, replace held sts on needle and work
them in Lace patt.
Next Round: K3tog tbl (remaining 2 yarn
overs decreased), work to end of round in patt as
Next Round: Work 12 sts of Lace patt 6
Beg Lace Chart for back of leg at current row of
Lace Chart for front of leg, so that the Lace patt
is at the same point around the whole cuff.
Cont in patt as set, working all sts in Lace patt,
until sock is 1 inch shorter than desired length.
Work in 1x1 Rib for 1 inch. BO all sts loosely.
Make second sock same as first.