Using CC1 and US 10/6mm needle, CO 90 sts.
Transfer sts to US 8/5mm circular needle,
place marker and join to begin working in
the round, being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x3 Rib as follows:
2 rounds using CC3
2 rounds using CC2
5 rounds using MC
2 rounds using CC2
2 rounds using CC3
1 round using CC1
Work 2 rounds in stockinette st using CC1.
Work 18 rounds in stockinette st using MC,
increasing 1 st in the first round. 91 sts.
Begin working Fair Isle Chart. Chart is 7
sts wide and will be repeated 13 times in
each round.
Round 1: [K3MC, k1CC2, k3MC] around.
Round 2: [K3MC, k1CC2, k3MC] around.
Round 3: [K4CC2, k3MC] around.
Round 4: [K1MC, k5CC2, k1MC] around.
Round 5: [K2MC, k3CC2, k2MC] around.
Round 6: [K2MC, k2CC2, k3MC] around.
Round 7: [[K1MC, k1CC2] twice, k3MC]
Round 8: [K3MC, k1CC2, k3MC] around.
Round 9: [K6CC1, k1CC3] around.
Round 10: [K6CC1, k1CC3] around.
Round 11: [K3CC1, k4CC3] around.
Round 12: [K2CC3, k2CC1, k3CC3] around.
Round 13: [K1CC3, k4CC1, k2CC3] around.
Round 14: [K5CC1, k2CC3] around.
Round 15: [K2tog CC1, k2CC1, k1CC3,
k1CC1, k1CC3] around. 78 sts.
Round 16: [K5CC1, k1CC3] around.
Round 17: [K2tog CC2, k4MC] around.
65 sts.
Round 18: [K1CC2, k4MC] around.
Round 19: [K2tog MC, k2MC, k1CC2]
around. 52 sts.
Round 20: K all sts CC2.
Round 21: [K2tog MC, k2CC2] around.
39 sts.
Round 22: [K1MC, k2CC2] around.
Round 23: Using CC2, [k2tog, k1]
around. 26 sts.
Round 24: [K1MC, k1CC2] around.
Round 25: Using MC, [k2tog] around.
13 sts.
Break yarn and draw through rem sts, pull
Using CC1 and US 10.5/6.5mm circular needle,
loosely CO 278 sts. Do not join.
Work in 3x2 Rib as follows:
1 row using CC1
2 rows using CC3
2 rows using CC2
6 rows using MC
2 rows using CC2
2 rows using CC3
2 rows using CC1
BO loosely using CC1.