[Knitty's list of standard
abbreviations can be found here]
This pattern is worked using
the "Magic Loop" technique. If you
are unfamiliar with this technique, instructions
may be found here:
and here:
If you prefer, the body of
the shrug may be worked on double-point needles,
or on two circular needles. It is still necessary
to have a circular needle, at least 24 inches
in length, to work the ribbing around the body
opening of the shrug.
1x1 Rib
(Worked in the round over an even number
of sts):
Round 1: [K1, p1] to end.
Repeat this round for 1x1 Rib.
Pattern (Worked in the round over a multiple
of 6 sts + 1; see notes below re. working Lace
Pattern back and forth):
Round 1: K1, [yo, p1, p3tog, p1, yo,
k1] to end.
Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8: K all sts.
Round 3: K2, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso,
yo, [k3, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo] to last
2 sts, k2.
Round 5: P2tog, p1, yo, k1, yo, p1,
[p3tog, p1, yo, k1, yo, p1] to last 2 sts, p2tog.
Round 7: K2tog, yo, k3, yo, [sl1, k2tog,
psso, yo, k3, yo] to last 2 sts, sl1, k1, psso.
These 8 rounds form Lace Stitch.
Note: When Lace Pattern
is worked back and forth, work rounds 1, 3,
5, and 7 as RS rows. Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 will
be worked as WS rows; all sts in these rows
will be purled instead of knit. |
smaller needles, CO 24[30, 36, 42] sts. Place
marker and join to begin working in the round,
being careful not to twist.
Work in 1x1 Rib until work measure 8 inches.
Next Round: [Kfb] to last st, k
into front, then back, then front again, of
last st. 49[61, 73, 85] sts.
Switch to larger needle and begin working
in Lace Pattern.
Work 8 rounds of Lace Pattern 8 times.
Begin to work back and forth to form Body
Opening. Work 8 rows of Lace Pattern 6[7,
8, 9] times.
Rejoin work to begin working in the round.
Work 8 rounds of Lace Pattern 8 times.
Next Round: Using smaller needle,
[k2tog] to last 3 sts, k3tog.
Work in 1x1 Rib for 8 inches. BO all sts.
Body Opening Trim:
Using smaller needle, pick up and k 7 sts
in every 4 rows around body opening. 168[196,
224, 252] sts.
Work in 1x1 Rib for 6 inches. BO all sts loosely.