Using double-point needle and MC, CO 3 sts.
Work 8 inches in I-Cord. Break yarn and set
aside. (If you have a set of 4 double-point
needles, you can use a new needle for each
piece of I-Cord.)
CO 3 sts. Work 7 inches in I-Cord. Break
yarn and set aside.
CO 2 sts. Work 4 inches in I-Cord. Do not
break yarn.
Turn work around so WS is facing. Move 4-inch
I-Cord to right end of needle, slip 8-inch
I-Cord onto left end of working needle and
slide it to to center of needle, then slip
7-inch I-Cord onto left end of needle. P all
sts to join strands of I-Cord; 8 sts on needle.
Next Row [RS]: Using US 11/8mm
needles, k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1. 6 sts rem.
Cont in stockinette st until work measures
60 inches from end of longest I-Cord, ending
with a WS row.
Next Row [RS]: Using double-point
needle, k3. Place rem sts on hold on a second
double-point needle.
Work 7.5 inches of I-Cord over first 3 sts.
BO these sts.
Rejoin yarn to rem sts with RS facing, and
work 4.5 inches of I-Cord. BO rem sts.
Weave in ends. Sew I-Cord ends through the
tubular center of the I-Cord and into the
body of the scarf, being careful not to pull
or scrunch the cord.
Flowers (Make
Note: Be sure to leave long tails of
CC2, as one tail is used to create the center
of the flower, and the other is used to attach
it to the scarf. See notes on Picot Cast On
, in Pattern Notes above.
Using US #2/2.75mm
needles and CC2, leaving a long tail, work
Picot Cast On as follows:
CO4, BO1, CO2, BO1, [CO5, BO1, CO2, BO1] 4
times, CO1. 25 sts on needle.
Break yarn, leaving a long tail, and proceed
as follows, using CC1:
Row 1 [WS]:
P all sts.
Row 2 [RS]: [Ssk, k1, k2tog] to end.
15 sts rem.
Row 3 [WS]: P all sts.
Row 4 [RS]: [S2KP] to end. 5 sts rem.
Break yarn and draw through rem sts. Pull
tight and sew edges together to form flower
Weave in MC ends. With one CC tail, embellish
flower center by sewing a few sts in the center
of the flower (see photo), then weave in this