Using circular needle,
CO 150[168, 180, 192, 210, 222, 234] sts. Do not
join work. Beg with a RS row, work 6 rows in stockinette
Next Row [RS]: K3, twist, [k6, twist]
to last 3 sts, k3.
Join to begin working in the round, being careful
not to twist. Place marker A to mark beg of
round, k75[84, 90, 96, 105, 111, 117], place
marker B to mark side "seam", k to
Work 8 rounds in stockinette st.
Next Round: [K1, ssk, k to 3 sts before
marker, k2tog, k1] twice. 4 sts decreased.
K 9[7, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10] rounds.
Repeat these 10[8, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11] rounds
3[4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4] times more. 134[148, 164,
176, 190, 202, 214] sts rem.
Cont in stockinette st until work measures
11[11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13, 13] inches.
Next Round: Remove marker, k5, place
these 5 sts and last 5 sts of previous round
on st holder; k to 5 sts after next marker,
place 10 sts just worked on st holder, removing
marker; k to end. Front and back each have 57[64,
72, 78, 85, 91, 97] sts. Set aside; do not break
Using new ball of yarn and straight needles,
CO 54[60, 60, 60, 66, 72, 72] sts, leaving an
8-inch tail.
Beg with a RS row, work 4 rows in stockinette
Next Row [RS]: K3, twist, [k6, twist] to last
3 sts, k3.
Work 2 rows in stockinette st.
Next Row [WS]: P5, place these 5 sts
on st holder, p to end, place last 5 sts on
st holder. 44[50, 50, 50, 56, 62, 62] sts rem.
Place first sleeve on hold on spare needle;
make second sleeve in the same way.

Sizes XS, XL, 2XL, 3XL Only:
Pick up body; beg where yarn is attached, place
marker A to mark beg of round (this will be
back left shoulder), k sts from one sleeve onto
circular needle, place marker C to mark raglan
decrease point, k first 28[_, _, _, 42, 45,
48] sts from front of sweater, place marker
B to mark front center decrease point, k rem
sts from front of sweater, place marker C, k
sts from rem sleeve, place marker C, k first
28[_, _, _, 42, 45, 48] sts from back of sweater,
place marker B to mark back center decrease
point, k rem sts from back of sweater. 202[_,
_, _, 282, 306, 318] sts.
Sizes S, M, L Only:
Pick up body; beg where yarn is attached, place
marker A to mark beg of round (this will be
back left shoulder), k sts from one sleeve onto
circular needle, place marker C to mark raglan
decrease point, k first _[31, 35, 38, _, _,
_] sts from front of sweater, place marker B
to mark front center decrease point, k2tog,
k rem sts from front of sweater, place marker
C, k sts from rem sleeve, place marker C, k
first _[31, 35, 38, _, _, _] sts from back of
sweater, place marker B to mark back center
decrease point, k2tog, k rem sts from back of
sweater. _[226, 242, 254, _, _, _]] sts.
All Sizes:
Decrease Round: K1, k2tog, k to 3 sts
before first marker C, ssk, k3, k2tog, k to
1 st before first marker B, *slip next st to
right needle, remove marker, replace st on left
needle, place marker on right needle, S2KP*,
k to 4 sts before second marker C, ssk, k3,
k2tog, k to 3 sts before third marker C, ssk,
k3, k2tog, k to 1 st before second marker B,
repeat from * to *, k to last 4 sts, ssk, k2.
12 sts decreased.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds 7[8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14]
times more. 106[118, 122, 122, 126, 138, 138]
sts rem.
Fitting Note: To ensure a good fit, slip all
sts to waste yarn and try on garment. If neckline
is too wide, work one or more additional decrease
rounds. Each decrease round will reduce neckline
width by slightly more than 2.5 inches.
BO round: [K2tog tbl, slip st from right needle
to left needle without twisting] to last 2 sts,
k2tog tbl. Break yarn and draw through rem st.