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Cool stuff!
[in which we've got yer books, we've got yer bags, and we've got yer software right here, folks...step right up!]
Jillian Moreno

Techniques with Theresa
[in which it's time to bind off the ravel'd sleeve of whatever the heck you're knitting]

Thinking beyond the pattern
[will return in fall]

Watch this space
[in which art may not be what you thought it was...even if you're the artist]

Knit like a man
[in which our testicular correspondent says farewell to a beloved Canadian icon that sorta missed the boat]
David Demchuk

[in which dropping stitches becomes twice as much fun when someone else has knit them for you]

[in which a podcaster talks about her favorite medium]
Rhonda Bell

Put it in reverse
[in which those who don't want to purl can just go back the way they came]
Sara Galley

Finger knitting
[in which we learn that most humans come equipped with a set of knitting needles]
Janelle Masters

You want to design?
[in which one designer helps to demystify the process of getting published]
Amy Polcyn

Technicolor knitting
[in which color is studied not scientifically, but with your gut. Sorta.]
Julie Theaker

Knittyspin, the column
[will return in fall]
Amy R Singer

Festival survival guide
[in which the Yarn Harlot proves she's also the Fiber Harlot, and she shares her best fiber festival secrets with all of us]
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

2006 Spin Out
[in which a whim of an idea is turned into almost $19,000 worth of bleating, baa-ing, clucking, buzzing livestock]
Cara Davis

Coiled yarn
[in which spinners are presented with something new to get addicted to]
Symeon North

pattern: Booze bag
[in which we find a nifty use for the coiled yarn we've just learned how to make]
Symeon North