(Make 2)
dpns CO 24[24, 28, 28] sts. Place marker and join
to begin working in the round, being careful not
to twist.
Round 1: [K2, p2]
to end. This round forms 2x2 rib.
Cont in 2x2 rib until work
measures 7.5[8, 8, 8] inches from beg.
Next Round: K all
Next Round: [K1,
kf&b] around. 36[36, 42, 42] sts.
Next Round: K all
Next Round: [K2,
kf&b] around. 48[48, 66, 66] sts.
Cont in stockinette st
until work measures 22.25 inches from beg.
BO 4 sts, k to end. Sleeves
will now be worked back and forth in stockinette
P 1 row.
BO 1 st at beg of next
2 rows. 42[42, 60, 60] sts rem.
Sizes S, M Only:
Next Row [RS]: [K5,
k2tog] to end. 36 sts rem.
Sizes L, XL Only:
Next Row [RS]: [K1,
k2tog, k2tog] to end. 36 sts rem.
All Sizes Continue Here:
Next row [WS]: P all
Next Row [RS]: [K1, k2tog] to end. 24 sts
Place all sts on holder.
The next step connects
the two sleeves and creates the cowl. The rest of
the garment will be knit in one piece, so there
are no seams!
Using circular needle, k across sts of one sleeve,
CO 36[38, 40, 42] sts using Cable CO, k across sts
of second sleeve, CO 36[38, 40, 42] sts using Cable
CO. 120[124, 128, 132] sts.
Place marker and join to begin working in the round,
being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x2 rib until cowl measures 8 inches.
BO all sts loosely.