Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Oh, dear dear me.

There are no words. Click here to see a Knitty pattern KNITTING another Knitty pattern.

I must meet Ms MK in person. She makes me snort out my morning coffee.


Edited to add:
Dave Barry's blog links to the womb. Ladies and gentlemen, Knitty has truly arrived now. Even if he is making fun of us.

My favorite responses in his comments to this post:
- "My dolly just told me she wants to be called 'Fallopia.' "
- "If THAT's what they look like, I mean, Seriously, can you BLAME me for being gay?"
- " 'Push down gently on inner tube to make cervix look plump ("pouty", if you will).' I can't stress enough the importance of this step. I can't start my day unless the cervix is sufficiently pouty."