That'd be Henry, Jillian's baby, exactly as I saw him all weekend. I had her kids blasting out PhotoBooth photos on my laptop, and Henry took this one of himself by himself. He's superhero and robot and scary monster all rolled into one, including sound effects...look at the blurry hands the little camera managed to capture!

Of course, Isobel would rather reconstruct anatomy. This is the creepiest of the pics without being gross. You don't want to see the gross ones.
I love these kids. It was a bit of a rough weekend for other reasons, and H & I kept me smiling and giggling all weekend. They don't have to love me, but they do, and it's possibly the most amazing thing I've ever experienced.
Meanwhile, in worky news, the weekend trip to AA was all about the speaking engagement at the big library in town. This place is amazing, and I was treated like royalty [which isn't something I mind at all :-)]. Here are the folks that came out to say hi:

The left side of the room had to deal with flash problems, so their waving is a little worn out [don't blame 'em]. A nice full house, and that always makes me feel good.
AADL runs a tight ship, and is fully tech'd out. For the first time ever, I handed off my laptop and cable to someone who made it all work [and it wasn't as simple as my usual low-tech solution]. All I had to do was walk up to the podium and try not to pee my pants. [I succeeded.] The event was recorded and I'll link to it here when it's on their site. I had to keep forgetting that they were recording me or else I'd have never said a word.
I also discovered
Flax when Jillian and I popped into
Acme and bought myself a jacket on megasale to wear at the event. And a
clock in vintage green. Which looks amazing in my living room. I could live in that store. And just might.
And Saturday night, I got to hang with Jillian and the SOAR girls -- Carla, Lynne, Beth and Dynese [did i spell that right?] for an evening of amazing food and drink, spinning, and most importantly laughter. These girls make me howl and I'm so glad I've gotten to know them.
Tomorrow, hub and I are off to Vermont [by car...so please think dry road thoughts for us] to spend the weekend with Tara Jon Manning and attendees at her
Mindful Knitting Retreat. I've wanted to go for several years and this year things just came together. It's also hub's birthday this weekend, so maybe we'll get a chance to sneak out to Sarducci's in Montpelier for dinner. It's our favorite place.
I think I'm sounding a little scattered. This issue of Knitty had a whole bunch of new stuff happening in it and it took more brain power than usual to make it go. People seem to be liking it and that makes me really happy.
Stand by: We'll soon be announcing launch party dates for More Big Girl Knits for two locations: East Lansing, MI and Toronto! Dates are in April, and we should have news shortly. We hope you'll come and party with us!
Labels: events, fun, spinning, travel