Monday, July 31, 2006

We made internet TV!

Thanks to Neree for the heads up...I'd never seen this before, but our iconic Hallowig is making the rounds again this week from Boing Boing last week to sites in languages I can't understand...and now this: The 9 for Monday July 31st -- click on the 3 if you want to go directly to the Knitty segment. A wee blond hostess finds Megan's creation brilliant and worth a giggle. We're number 3. We're number 3! Woo!

By the way -- they're asking for you to vote for your favorites [scroll down]. No idea what it'll do in the end, but vote for Knitty! Just because you can!

Friday, July 28, 2006

i love this guy...and a little update

at a loss for words? not sure where to turn? visit andy havens's Etsy Shop - Strong Words: Poetry, Insults & Other Verbal Buggery.

seriously. this guy will, for a fee, write a wedding toast, a love sonnet, your wedding vows or an insult of the length and harshness of your choosing.

i wonder if he's available to write a knitting book?

[i love etsy.]


despite what this might lead you to believe, work on No Sheep is continuing and we've got serious progress, people. sorry to the LK crowd, and Denny in particular, for missing my scheduled weekly union break, but i was in a groove and i wasn't going to do anything to get out of it. like answer questions about how the book is going [which would cause me to panic which i find less conducive to writing a decent sentence]. you read what the harlot said on the subject. it's different for me, but the same. we write different kinds of books, and thankfully, there's much less pressure on me to be witty [not that i don't try].

right now, it's all about continuing research, phone calls, e-mails and -- oh yeah -- getting it all down in coherent form on a daily basis.

i've also chosen someone fabulous to do the illustrations and am waiting for Interweave's blessing. [just got it! it's Tania Howells...can you stand it? i'm so excited!]

by the way -- Interweave has been a joy to work with on this book in every aspect. i feel very fortunate.


New York is definitely a go. I've heard there may be things happening on the 15th and 17th as well, but until it's all firm, I'll just hold my tongue. I can't wait! I get to give Thumper tummy raspberries! I'm just sorry that the trip comes too late for me to do the same with Squeeky. Safe travels, V!


we're still looking for gorgeous size 18-20 big girls to model for BGK2. do you know someone? help us find them!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

NYC in September?

If you're around the weekend of September 16th, save the Saturday. I'm coming!

More deets when I'm allowed to divulge. Can't wait!

Monday, July 24, 2006


can i just say that, without fail, EVERY SINGLE TIME i hear the opening of Cast On i giggle out loud. it's so perfectly constructed.

my co-workers

squeeze with her mid-afternoon snack.

boeing, hiding under the hutch, where she spends most of her day. she is a fun bunny, but not until after dinner.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Una ricetta per voi

You remember me going on at length about that amazing place we ate at in Firenze? Well, I signed up for their daily e-mails which mostly just taunt with information about who's singing that night and what they're serving and what we're missing.

Today, a recipe. I think google's translator should help enough to get you cooking. Where the hell we're supposed to find Lampara anchovies, though, I have no idea. If you make this, tell me how it turns out!

Recipe from Fabio Picci of Teatro del Sale

Se siete così fortunati ad aver trovato le acciughe di Lampara e il vostro pescivendolo si è innamorato di voi e ve le sfiletta, abbiate l’accortezza di metterle in frigo quando arrivate a casa. Dopodichè lessate mezzo kg di patate e conditele classicamente con un non niente di aglio, prezzemolo, olio, sale, pepe e peperoncino macinato dopo averle spiaccicottate grossolanamente.
Stendetele su una teglia piana tipo pizza e aggiungete poi sulla superficie delle patate un non niente di origano e la scorza di limone grattugiato e il seme di finocchio macinato, pepe e dei piccoli pezzettini di pomodoro pelato che romperete con le mani senza abbondare.
Stendete poi sopra il tutto i filetti di acciughe (con la pelle rivolta all’esterno) non lasciando nessuno spazio libero finanche a sovrapporre leggermente un’acciuga all’altra.
Salate quanto basta, aggiungete origano quanto basta, un po’ di prezzemolo tritato, basilico tritato sopra e anche lì dei piccoli pezzetti di pomodoro pelato qua e là.
Dopodichè prendete un buon pan grattato e lo cospargete con gesto rapido del pugno socchiuso sopra la teglia, senza esagerare.
Fate che sia un solo strato di pan grattato e state attenti anche in questo caso a non lasciare spazi vuoti.
A questo punto aggiungete un filo d’olio abbondante lungo tutta la teglia ed è lì che dovrete decidere in virtù della salatura precedente delle patate di aggiungere il giusto quantitativo di sale. Fate riposare il tutto in frigo per un’oretta e poi ponete la teglia in forno a 300 gradi per 5-6 minuti.

1 kg di acciughe
½ kg di patate
2 spicchi d’aglio
4 etti d’olio
sale quanto basta
½ cucchiaino di pepe
¼ cucchiaino di peperoncino
2 cucchiaini da tè di origano
1 cucchiaio di scorza di limone
1 cucchiaino da tè di semi di finocchio
½ cucchiaino da tè di pepe
4 pomodori pelati scolati
2 cucchiai di prezzemolo
2 cucchiai di basilico tritato
4 pugni di pan grattato

Jane says it very well

Jane Brocket's blog has been a delight to read since I found it a few months ago. Today's it's also educational.

I have very strong feelings on the subject of her post today -- as anyone who frequents the Knitty Coffeeshop knows. I am in complete, 100% agreement with the kind Ms Brocket. And so I'll just let Jane say it for me, since she's done it so well. [click on the excerpt to read her whole blog post, which is absolutely worth reading.]

"Now I am passionate about freedom of speech, and I am concerned about how it can be used in blogs and blogging. We all know that freedom of speech can be used to create or to destroy. If misapplied, freedom of speech becomes a freedom to undermine, to critcise, to make simplistic, vacuous and judgmental comments which deaden the energy and life of creative blogs.

If used in a thoughtful, constructive, positive manner, freedom of speech on blogs can contribute enormously to, and sustain, the fluidity of creativity, the exchange of ideas, the liveliness which keeps crafty blogs alive and ever-changing."

Our parents [hopefully] taught us manners when we were younger. Now that we have a new way of expressing ourselves on this series of tubes we call the internets, why should we forget good manners?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Still here. How about you?

I forgot. I write better sitting at Starbucks. I can't explain it, but that's where the words just come out, in good quantity, and mostly in the right order, too. Today, they had some kind of Rolling Stones thingy playing, and that didn't hurt one bit, even if Mick did sound a bit old. Ain't we all?

Beverage of choice this season: the Pomegranate frappuccino, which really is just juice and tea and ice in a blender, but it makes me happy.

Meanwhile, Steph had a good idea that I want to roll out bigger. Let's turn the Toronto Drunken Knitters' Nights into swap nights as well. So if you have knitting stuff that you will never use -- books, yarn, needles, whatever -- bring it! We'll swap each month. If someone wants to take this up and actually organize it, that's cool with me. I just think it'll be a nice way to recycle with no pressure.

Next night (they're always the 2nd Friday of the month) is August 11th, at the Spotted Dick. See you there!

I'm going back to research more stuff. About things. And stuff.

queen of vague

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Are you sensitive to wool or other animal fibers?

[you guys! 165 responses so far! that's i'm going to leave this up for a few more days. i'm also working on the book, post-dental-appointment sore and not much for writing anything of wit. if you haven't yet responded, or know of someone who fits into this non-wool category, please send them here to respond. the questions without asterisks aren't mandatory, btw. big thanks to the LJ peeps who came by!]

I'd love your help. As you may know, I'm writing a book about knitting without wool, and am looking into the allergy/sensitivity aspect of this issue. If you are someone who avoids contact with wool or other animal fibers, and you have a few moments to answer the following questions, I'd be most grateful. I'll be speaking with doctors and other medical experts on the subject and knowing what others experience will help me get the most from those interviews, so I can share it with you in the book!

I found this ginchy online survey tool and it makes answering a snap.

Amy's No Sheep For You here

Your responses are anonymous -- I have no way of knowing who you are, so do be assured of confidentiality. And thank you so much for your help!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We need a professional photographer and big, beautiful models

Because the wealth of talent in Toronto is beyond my imagining, and because those who read this blog seem extraordinarily well connected, I'm asking for your help with this really cool thing...

Jillian and I are writing Big Girl Knits 2, and this time, we're managing our own photoshoot. The shoot will be this October 2-4 in Toronto and will be on location all over the city, possibly with a little studio work as well.

BGK2 is to be published by the same publisher who did the first book, Potter Craft [a division of Random House]. We think it's cool that our pubisher is giving us this kind of creative control and we are now looking for partners to help us get the job done.

We need to find a great fashion photographer who knows how to make women of all sizes and shapes look gorgeous, is a good partner to work with and has a kickass portfolio [our publisher needs to see it to give their approval] and their own equipment. Print-quality digital is fine.

We're open to looking at 4th year students at Ryerson [or other great photo schools] or recent graduates. If you or someone you know has a really good portfolio and gets the Big Girl Knits message, we want to see your work.

The Big Girl Knits message is simply this: women of all sizes are beautiful. It's our goal to help them make the most of whatever they want to show off and minimize the rest.

We're also looking for photogenic, attractive women, size 18-20, for the same dates. Modelling experience is preferred, but if you're a natural beauty and have photos to show that you can do the job, please introduce yourself. We need at least two models of different body types.

Please pass this call for portfolios/headshots around to those you think might be interested and suitable for the assignment. Sample photos and/or URLs may be sent to us at:
The girls

The photographer and models will be paid for their work and fully credited in the book. Because of time constraints, we will acknowledge all e-mail, but will only contact those whose qualifications meet our specs for an interview.

Thank you all for your help! Spread the word!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

knitting again

And not just No Sheep swatches, either. Whee! I'm doing a lace thingy for the 2nd Big Girls book and I pulled out the yarn [hint] and started swatching. Found the perfect pattern on the 2nd try. I love that.

I also had to remind myself, once again, that it's okay to use stitch markers for a 6-stitch repeat. Some people don't need 'em. Not me, and it's...okay. Stitch markers are not a crutch, they're an enabler.

The office purge/tidy continues and will for several days at least. There's just too much to get through on my own, all at once, without Hellen Buttigieg and her crew. I wonder how much a professional organizer charges? Instead, I watch her show, suck up a little inspiration and then go attack.

Also, viva Italia! That is all.

Friday, July 07, 2006

gifts from friends

So I mentioned yesterday that I'd gotten some sweet gifts to celebrate the leap. Time to share! Hugs to Jean-Anne for the yummy ball of chocolate organic cotton and to Sophie for the sweet bunny card!

Yes, that's gorgeous Cosmicpluto yarn, hand dyed and spun by Laura herself. When she handed me the bag, I hoped there'd be handspun in it [Laura's handspun is legendary in this town, and beyond], but who could know it would be this gorgeous?

It's soft and gorgeous and all for me!

The best? The colorway is called "leap". How could you not love that? I hugged Laura a lot that night.

I checked her Etsy shop, and there's lots of gorgeous stuff there, but nothing like this one. I have a gut feeling, though, that if you wrote her, she just might make you one too. I'm not sure what my skein will become, but it's 300+ yards of yumminess and just thinking about the possibilities makes me very warm and fuzzy.

Speaking of warm and fuzzy, there was another gifty -- this time from Lettuce Knit's Owner-Megan. I am a bag ho™, and I think that's no secret. So when I saw the bag tree at the new shop loaded up with some new bags, I was in love. Look at the one Megan gave me!

Yes, that's vintage barkcloth you're seeing.

This bag is modelled after one that Megan saw and loved -- a little tiny slip of a bag, perfect for sock or swatch knitting [I'm doing a lot of swatch knitting for No Sheep lately]. It's got a big center area that closes easily with a drawstring, and two pockets, one on each side.

Megan sold out of the bags in just an hour or so that night. But she assures me there will be more soon. They're making them themselves on a vintage sewing machine, out of all sorts of different barkcloths.

One of the things I loved first about Lettuce Knit, besides Megan's huge smile and warm hugs, is her appreciation for all things vintage. For heaven's sake -- she uses a cool old wooden ironing board as a check-out counter. How could you not love that? So I'm really glad to see her expanding her offerings like this.

Thank you Megan, Laura, Sophie and Jean-Anne! You guys spoil me.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

THAT was fun.

The party was last night at the new Lettuce Knit location, just a few doors left of the old location. But so very, very much nicer! Look!

Steps to congregate on, double doors that open wide to welcome you, twice the space inside and...a bathroom!

Lots of people came, and so I now present to you a wee recollection of the evening in photos. Please enjoy.

Knitters abound!

Hola, Maria!

Stephanie, Leslie and Denny

Happy LK shoppers heading home with their yarn before Denny could steal it from them. [she was on a bit of a yarn-stealing thingy last night. We blame the strongbow.]

Look how big the new store is! Two rooms!

mmm...silken straw. yummy. moon socks that rock. yummy.

cake one from hub: it's a "congratulations for graduating proofreader university" cake for me. notice the intentional typos.

cake two from hub: because he saw a soccer cake and couldn't leave without it. it says "knitaly" and somehow it was very appropriate. Owner-Megan's little boy inherited most of the little soccer dudes on it.

laura loves to wind yarn.

shop atmosphere.

silk and more silk. mmm.

Owner-Megan hard at work.

Denny with Strongbow. I rest my case.

Jen and Denny

Stephanie knitting some lacy stuff

Filling out little slips of paper to win the cool stuff I got to give out

We took over the sidewalk.

Look at Leslie's haul from mini mills. We were all drooling.

And finally -- yes, with her permission -- I post this movie. A little panorama of the evening when people were sitting and knitting. The first one to say hi is non-owner Megan [there are 2 Megans at Lettuce Knit, see]. The lady in pink is Tamarah and she was in love with my Lexie Barnes bag. The best bit is at the end. This is what happens when Jen thinks a still camera is pointed at her. The innocent victim is Joyce. Rachel H is the one providing commentary on the right.

I love Jen.

Thanks to everyone for coming, to Megan and Lettuce Knit for hosting, to hub for the cakes, to Denny for the extra entertainment, to Maria for forgetting her soccer whistle, to Jen for just being Jen, to Tanya for the champagne-like substance that made me a blithering drunk after two sips, to those who wanted to come but couldn't, and to the whole damn world. I love you all. [hic]

Seriously, though, it was a really great night and I got to meet a whole bunch of new people and had some great conversations. Thank you everyone. [I also got a couple of sweet gifties last night. I'll blog those later. :-)]

I will now get back to work.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Summer Knitty is up!

And I'm out. I'm going to walk and breathe a little bit of fresh air.

And tonight, people -- party. WITH CAKE. Hub bought two cakes, and you have to see them. So I believe there will be cake enough for everyone and their dog. We're also celebrating Lettuce Knit's move to their new digs, just a smidge to the left. Woo hoo!

Please come. I think this celebration is going to be a whopper!

Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2006 [TONIGHT!]
Time: 7pm until they kick us out
Place: Lettuce Knit, 70 Nassau Street in Kensington Market
Swag: You bet! Door prizes up the wazoo!

Monday, July 03, 2006

NOW it feels different

Today was a lovely holiday in Canada. Everyone was off, wandering about, except for those poor souls who work in retail. Sorry, guys.

Actually, all weekend was holiday around here. I couldn't take time to celebrate Canada Day, since I'm busy putting the finishing touches on the summer issue. In a strange turn of events, perpetually hard-working hub took more time to relax, garden, kayak and party with the family than I did. I had my head down.

Tomorrow, however, my life will finally be different. The country goes back to work, and so do I, except my commute is now 9 steps from my bed, and the dress code is way casual. So still no holidaying for me just yet, but I no care. This is what I've waited 3 years to do. Go to work for me.

That, my friends, does not suck.

[And when Knitty comes out, any moment now, there will be a tiny break for merriment and silliness and I might even cast on a new sweater to celebrate. That Suss yarn is calling my name and I don't think I can resist much longer.]

P.S. To my American friends, happy 4th tomorrow. Have some apple pie for me, k?