come on sucker, lick my battery*

the mystery object at left found its way to me last week due to the most ridiculous example of serendipity i've ever experienced. i wanted this exact thing -- same color, even -- and elizabeth's daughter had been given this exact thing but it wasn't the right size model [in this case, size did matter :-)]. so now it lives with me.
you may be able to guess what it is, but i'm not telling until next week. i've been working with it and am not ready for my debut just yet. i won't be ready next week, either, but that's just part of this whole new attitude to life thing i'm feeling lately. if i wait for everything i do to be perfect before i share it, i'll never share ANYTHANG. and life is too short for that crap.
i'm not getting reckless. i'm just going to stop preventing myself from doing stuff i really want to do because i think i might look silly doing it.
*yes, the Conchord-titled blog posts continue. what are you gonna do about it? eh?
i've also been beading, but since almost all of it is for gifts, you won't see it here for a while.
and prototype knitting has begun on the Blue Moon Luscious Silk sweater, which has resulted in two swatches, both frogged. this design probably requires alternating 2 balls to make the best use of the gorgeous colors. variegateds are kicking my butt lately.
okay, back to work. and then the mystery thing. woo!
oh, and did you know? one of those magic erasers can make your computer keyboard look like new [just make sure every bit of the water is squeezed out first]. the trackpad, too. i wonder if they're nuclear or magical something. how do they do it?