Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New stuff in the Knitty store

Actually, there's way more stuff than this in the Knitty store that you might not have seen, but the three new baby designs are fresh today. I even put one on a doggy shirt. You'll see why when you get there.

Aren't I a cut up? :-)

Everyone's having kids. Might as well start recruiting early.

Oh, I keep forgetting...coupon, if you want it: $10 off orders over $30, coupon code GRDAD05. Expires June 14, 2005.

Friday, May 27, 2005

knitty guestbook...RIP

It's been a great way to get feedback, but lately we're deleting more spam in the knitty guestbook than we're getting comments. Not very productive.

So I've closed it. Kind, sweet KnittySteph, who has been answering questions there for a long while [more than a year, I think!] has moved her services to the Knitty Coffeeshop. Steph will be helping people find their way on to the boards, where our three moderators -- Zibbibboisgood, Monkeemaven and Habsgirl -- continue to take excellent care of all our Coffeeshop patrons. It also means I can devote undivided reader relation energy to the Coffeeshop, which is what I should be doing.

I'll be setting up a suggestion box for people to leave comments, so you'll still have an outlet if you want to yell at me. But don't [constructive criticism is always welcome, of course]. The coolest thing about the Knittyboards is that everyone there really doesn't want crap and crankiness along with their online experience, so it's quite a happy place.

Haven't visited? Take a peek. They really are nice over there.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

it's good to be first :-)

you wanna know what i'm knitting? Axelle's new release...hand-painted soft-as-silk bamboo. colorway: briar rose. scroll down to see what it looks like knitted up in Axelle's swatch. she just announced it on her site yesterday, but i was lucky and got some early. :-)

you will have to wait for pics, but i will tell you that this stuff is so pretty, it's made me happy to knit on size US3s.

i also owe a pic of the finished mimi wrap i made from two skeins of silken and the nonokitty silk held together. soon!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

we're human. :-)

um, whoops. seems an incomplete version of Trellis went live yesterday. the final, edited version is now in place with a note, for those who don't read this blog.

our apologies.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


the Knitty surprise is up!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

finally found a spamkiller that I like

A while ago, I posted that my spam-killing service [Knowspam] was going out of business and I needed a replacement. Someone kindly suggested I try to filter my e-mail through gmail, and that did work somewhat, but wasn't ideal for the way I use e-mail.

[I have multiple accounts and check them at the office during the day, but leave the message on the server until I check the mail at home again at night, which clears the server.]

what I use to kill spam...it's amazing!A little googling came up with SpamArrest, which has turned out to be exactly what I wanted. It covers three accounts, acts as a webmail interface [which will be excellent when I'm out of town] and lets you read a message before you have to decide if you want to delete it, block the sender or let it through. You can also import a list of good senders [people you know are safe], or input them one by one. Like other systems of this kind, it's meant to run automated, which means that when someone it doesn't know sends you a message, it asks "are you human or a nasty spammer?" and if no one answers, the message is held in your spam queue. If someone DOES answer, their mail is always automatically let through to you. It's worked perfectly for me since day one. I'm very happy with it.

Anyway, if you're interested in seeing what it's like, they give you 30 days to play with it free. Just click the button. I'm thrilled and signed up for a year. Whew.