New stuff in the Knitty store

Aren't I a cut up? :-)
Everyone's having kids. Might as well start recruiting early.
Oh, I keep, if you want it: $10 off orders over $30, coupon code GRDAD05. Expires June 14, 2005.
It's been a great way to get feedback, but lately we're deleting more spam in the knitty guestbook than we're getting comments. Not very productive.
you wanna know what i'm knitting? Axelle's new release...hand-painted soft-as-silk bamboo. colorway: briar rose. scroll down to see what it looks like knitted up in Axelle's swatch. she just announced it on her site yesterday, but i was lucky and got some early. :-)
um, whoops. seems an incomplete version of Trellis went live yesterday. the final, edited version is now in place with a note, for those who don't read this blog.
A while ago, I posted that my spam-killing service [Knowspam] was going out of business and I needed a replacement. Someone kindly suggested I try to filter my e-mail through gmail, and that did work somewhat, but wasn't ideal for the way I use e-mail.