Friday, June 30, 2006

Moving on up to the east side. Woo hoo!

People. It is my last real day of day-job life, and I feel behooooooved to make ceremony of it.

Here, take this wee MIDI file and play it as you read the rest of this set the mood.

Picture me with my Oxford English dictionary -- paperback -- balanced carefully on my head. An awkward tassel hangs from the well-thumbed book. The tassel is made from a collection of red pens and whiteout and dangles in front of one eye. I scan the final day's work carefully for errors, mark those I notice [and pray that any I miss go unnoticed by others] and then sign my name. Close out my time sheet, move my tassel to cover the other eye, pack my things and leave. [Yes, that was a little tribute to Tyra.]

But unlike Jade and those who went before her, I have not been forcibly ejected. And it feels goooooood. I'm moving on up to the east side of this sometimes-fair city, where hub and I live [and where our bunnies are now less prone to eating the house, because Kimberly suggested we rub the baseboards with ivory soap. BLESS you, Kimberly].

My tiny home office currently looks like someone grabbed the room, threw in yarn and color cards and pattern books and shook it with great gusto. Snow globe gone horribly wrong. But that's okay. I'll make it all work. Soon there will be tidiness and order. When I'm done, I might even light a vanilla tealight and just sit in the middle of the clean, clear space for a while.

If you read this blog, you are a big part of the reason this is happening. Without your support of Knitty magazine -- reading it, knitting from it, giving us enthusiastic feedback and sharing it with other knitters -- I'd still be chained to a 10-foot stack of Visa cardholder agreements, proofreading my life away.

With hugs and sincere gratitude: thank you.