Monday, February 26, 2007

I finally get to show.

That thing about BGK2 and waiting a year till you can see it? We've already waited a year for No Sheep...remember this time last year when I would hint about my Tuscany shawl but couldn't blog it? [A year to the day, actually. Freaky.]

I can blog it now!

[thanks to Interweave for these pics from the book - photography (c) Interweave Press LLC]

That's my baby. I'm quite proud of it. I've never designed anything this nice, and may never be able to do it again.

This shawl was designed to be an easy first-lace-shawl knit for those intimidated by lace knitting. The WS is about 98% purl so you get a nice mental break every 2nd row. The front is designed to be as intuitive a pattern as possible, so you can toss the chart aside after a few repeats. Jen kindly volunteered to test knit a sample. Blog yours now, Jen! [She's been holding it back for almost a year, too!]

Want to see more pics of the projects in No Sheep? Check out the Amazon page for the book. There are some nice pics in the gallery -- some from me and a few from a nice reader in Indiana.

And feel free to write a review there. There's just one lonely opinion and I'd love to hear what everyone thinks! Oh, and there's a Knitalong, too. I was silly and made some buttons with the button artwork that Franklin did. I <3 Franklin.
