Tuesday, March 06, 2007

here we go again!

It's time for me to start taking the No Sheep show on the road! My first date with knitters is tonight at the York Region Knitting Guild. Future dates are listed here. As new dates come up, i'll add them to this page. I believe I may be visiting places I haven't been before on this one. How cool is that?

[I keep a link to the page over there on the right -- "Meet Amy on the road"]

It's exciting! It's nerve-wracking! and starting tonight, I bring the laptop and do my shpiel electronically, with cords and cables and a remote and funky technological doo-dads. There are pictures! There is a whole trunk show! I'm surely going to say something dumb at least once during the evening. How could you miss that?

I'll also be speaking to the DKC at the end of this month and the K-W knitters' guild at the beginning of next month. And yes...I'm teaching a class in Austin, TX, at Hill Country Weavers on Earth Day! Jillian's doing a class there the day before, too. A double bill! Eee! And after that, I can't wait for the Knittyhead party at Loop in Philadelphia. Cool, eh?

So if you can, pencil me into your schedule, would ya? An empty room is a sad thing, especially when I bring my doo-dads!


p.s. If you watch ANTM, This Wonderful Man needs to be your weekly recap read. I love you, Rich Juzwiak. You make me giggle out loud.

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