Friday, March 23, 2007

Why Wendy is my hero

Yesterday, I sent out a plea for someone to print out my picture and take me to the Yarn Harlot's Represent event... and Wendy* did! So I was there, sort of! Go to Wendy's blog for more pictures of the HUGE auditorium full of knitters and a few of me, getting passed around to a whole bunch of them. Hi, guys! Hi, Kate! I am speechless.

Wendy, you made my day. I'm now going to cruise Bloglines to see what everyone else has to say about last night. What an amazing event.

*Wendy's the woman behind Dame Candle Company. She makes yummy things. In fact, I think I'm going to light my Grapefruit candle right now in her honor.

Representing around the blogosphere:

Kay, the NY half of Mason Dixon Knitting, was there. Amazing photos and a beautiful poem. Factoid: in the 2nd picture from the top, a silver-haired knitter is wearing a purply-blue cardigan. I knit the same one in the's a Pingouin pattern. Coolio.

Katy's pictures of the event, including the FIT tour

Lizbon's account, with pics and quotes!

Kathy's pictures

Lysa's post with a pic and stories

Penny tells about the community knitting project associated with the Represent event

Kate writes a really lovely, comprehensive report of the whole evening. Some dark but telling photos. :-)
