Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Still here, meet Eunny!

I got the pleasure of meeting the new editor of Interweave Knits at TNNA -- ms Eunny Jang. Giddy with the cleverness of having brought my little iPod recorder mic thingy, I asked if I could chat with her and share it with Knitty readers. She nicely indulged my out-of-practise interview skills and now you can learn more about the woman who is now at the helm of one of our favorite print mags!

Listen here.


P.S. Jillian and I were insane, gushing fangirls again at this show. Why? Because we got to meet Amy Butler. Herself. We totally fawned all over her, and she was so sweet and didn't even call security on us. She is tall, lithe, blonde and totally charming. And she's introducing a new line of knitting bags made from her fabrics in her characteristic style. [i.e. irresistable]. I'll be reviewing them in a future issue, but mostly, I just had to say this: AMY BUTLER! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Want some new Knitty? Take a break over the weekend and we'll see you early next week. Rock the casbah!

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