Monday, July 23, 2007

What happens when Emma Jane gets a little. Well. You'll see.

When I visited Emma Jane earlier this month, one of our to-dos was to shoot the beauty shot for my most recent design, Everlasting Bagstopper. [Yup, it's in the Knitty surprise that just went live!]

We'd decided it wasn't a photoshooty day after all, until I found myself driving us up the side of Owen Sound [the actual body of water that gives the town its name] and I found this spot. And then Emma did her magic. I particularly like the last two: action shots. Woo!

For those who wonder, I didn't initially design this bag to be in the magazine. I searched all over the interweb to find a bag like this because I needed one, but I couldn't find anything that collapsed into it's own pouch [except the nice crocheted bag on Crochet Me]. So I took the Montego Bay stitch pattern [I *was* going to call this pattern Montego Bag :-)] and started knitting. By the time I got past the base of the bag, I realized it was [IMO] good enough to share. I hope you like it.

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