Thursday, November 15, 2007

facebook users, read this

from the CBC website, a story about the new Facebook Beacon advertising system and how it collects -- and SHARES -- the data with others, whether we like it or not.

One worrying paragraph:
"If you buy a book on Amazon, a little bit of code is embedded within that site then sends the data to Facebook and informs your friends that you've bought a particular book. Or say you're surfing the recipe/food site Epicurious and rate or comment on a few recipes, again your Facebook friends will be notified of your culinary interests, as will Facebook itself and their advertising partners."

Read the rest of the article. My finger is on the "delete my account button" and will hover there until I'm sure my private info will stay private. If it won't, buh-bye, Facebook.


I have several much cheerier posts in me. Just not tonight. The no-voice thing has turned into no-voice + general malaise, so I'm trying to shake/sleep it off.