Wednesday, February 06, 2008

i'm not saying oy vey, really.

Miko was taking pictures of my Artfibers coat [this is the first one that I finished ages ago] and making me giggle. my eyes get very small when i giggle. Scout thinks it's me saying, "oy vey!"

so here. my finished coat. i do adore it -- it fits well, and my absolute favorite touch was jillian's idea:

the final 4 rows of the collar are knit in my first real handspun [from silk hankies]. it turned out to be a good enough gauge match and there's something about the color that sets off the purple perfectly. jillian, you are a genius.

the other Artfibers sweater turns out not to be so flattering when closed on my frame. here's a closeup of the front:

shawl pin purchased at the Purple Purl to celebrate my finishing! i actually think i'll wear it on the purple coat instead -- it suits it better.

this is the front, closed. again, not the best angle, if you ask me. and here's the back:

it's got that shruggy back construction, because of the way its made. doesn't bother me. notice the length is perfect, despite my neurotic worryings.

i'll try again tonight to get a pretty pic of it from the front, because it CAN look flattering when open.

so there. TWO FO pics in one post. please try not to die from the shock.

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