Monday, June 09, 2008

Photographic proof that we wuz there

This picture mercilessly pilfered from our publisher's blog [Potter Craft News] because though I brought my camera, I didn't take it out of the case once. This happens every TNNA. I get too busy doing to remember to chronicle.

Anyway, back to this picture: this is Jillian and I in our spiffy new Knitty shirts [how cute are we?] simultaneously drooling over the forthcoming new book from our favorite Mason-Dixon women. It's an awesome book and I cannot wait till I can get my hands on a real copy. [This was one o' them b&w proof copies and we had to put it back on the shelf when we were done.] It's full of such goodness, I am at a loss to share. You'll be able to see soon enough.

Also pilfered from Potter [thank you for sharing, Sarah! :-)], a picture of sweet Nathania and baby Ellie and her universe-altering hair. I was lucky enough to get to spend a little time bouncing Ellie on my lap on our first night at TNNA and she is one of those dream, easy-going babies. Plus she smells so good.

Pilfered from Abby's flickr stream [thank you, Abby!], a strange shot showing me just a little too interested in what's on the menu at the Hyatt. Mostly, I was interested in talking to Franklin, but am thankful that there's proof we were in the same room anyway . :-) So that was Franklin on my right and...

Jess on my left. [again, one of Abby's shots]. This is the first time the Ravelers and I have been in the same place at the same time, so there was excessive getting-to-know-each-othering and note-comparing. I really like these three people, the Jess and the Mary-Heather and the Casey. And it's a picture like the next one that shows just why it's so easy to like them:

This is one of Miriam's pictures, again pilfered without even asking first. This captures the true Tip Top experience [TNNAers take over the Tip Top bar in Columbus every time we're there]. Beer, laughter, and Casey flipping Mim the bird with a little freshly crocheted Bob puppet [courtesy of the sweet people at cool are they?]. L to R, we've got the KitchenerBitch from the coffeeshop, Casey, Mary-Heather and Jessica of Rose-Kim Knits.

That's all that everyone's uploaded so far. I sadly missed out on the dry-ice madness (see the Harlot's blog for full details and photographic proof of the madness, but I had many adventures of my own. And I'll write more about them tomorrow, including how I lost my voice the night before the whole show started and had to go through 3 days of working my favorite trade show unable to speak.

Now, though, bed. Knitty summer is coming so soon, it's ridiculous, but not tonight.

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