Friday, July 25, 2008

you're so beautiful, you could be a waitress

[scout on the left, me on the right, wearing our karmically linked zulugrass.]
image shamelessly stolen from scout's flickr

when life works out like it did earlier this week, it's hard not to believe in the power of external forces. i choose to believe it's karma. and good timing.

jillian and carla are my roomies for Rhinebeck this October [Rhinebeck! wooooo!]. they're driving direct from Michigan, which is a long enough trip on its own. they ain't sweeping past Toronto to pick me up this time, and i don't blame them a bit.

i have been agonizing over every possible route and method of transport to Rhinebeck for months. don't want 12 hours on the train. don't want to drive 7+ hours alone. no affordable flights from here to the closest airport to Rhinebeck.

then Scout -- who i stayed with last June when i visited Albuquerque, and have missed ever since -- blogs [in a rare blog post] that she's going too. i tell her she'd better come because i'll be there.

next thing you know, we realize we're both going to be in the same 20-mile radius at about the same time both before and after Rhinebeck, and the result? Scout's picking me up at Newark airport [cheapish flight, yay!], we're driving to Rhinebeck together. and back again on Sunday after the show.

scout and i on the road. in her daddy's car [!], with my GPS and her satellite radio. oh, you *so* would want to be in the back seat for that trip, but you can't, so there. we're both so excited to be able to have time to hang out together, you should have read the chat transcript as we made the plans. lots of vowels strung together with exclamation marks at the end of 'em.

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