Monday, December 29, 2008


Mama needs a test knitter before the pattern can be let loose on the world.

Interested? Write me at knittymagazine AT gmail and all that rot.
Eta: man , you guys are fast! I'm all set. Thanks, all!

Meanwhile, the pic at right [of the fabulous Debra, glowing with luv] shows pretty much the typical fruits of my labors since we chatted last. I've been knitting cowls of all description, happily ensconced on the couch, with a blanket over my lap and a box of kleenex close at hand.

Yup, I -- like every other person I know, including my husband -- got a cold. Mine hit just after the issue came out, and just when I thought it was going away, I got hit with more of the same but worse. It's not the flu, but it's buggery annoying, that's for sure. It's meant 2+ weeks of nose blowing, hand washing and general sloth, and it's not done yet. I suppose there's no better time for this to happen than the holiday season, when the business world is pretty much shut down, but it sucks anyway. At least I didn't have a trip that I'd have to cancel because I was sick.

And yes, I got a LOT of knitting done. Lots of gifts, most of which I can't show here yet because -- having been sick -- I haven't been to the post office yet to get them to their intended giftees.

So getting back to work is a little harder than I anticipated. I figured I'd ease into things by getting the new pattern ready for test knitting, and lots of I-can't-share Knitty work.

And more knitting. And finishing the dining room curtains which have just been a pile of [really pretty] raw fabric for at least a year. New year, new curtains. Sounds good to me.

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