Wednesday, December 24, 2008

no ways.

Yup. Neil Gaiman got a box of his own -- as he should!, though it's not one of the airquotes official Coraline boxes, he reports. It is supercool, though. If you're one of my new converts* or an old-time Gaiman fan, you've got to go read the post and see what he got!

My favorite line in the post above?
"I think my favourite of the boxes is but it's a close thing."

Dudes. That's my blog Mr G has linked to, and my box he's talking about! [Megathanks to Elithea for pointing this out to me.] I am just stunned that he's been by here...and I didn't even have time to tidy up!

In any case, welcome to anyone stopping by from Mr G's blog. Not sure all the content here may be to your taste, but who knows? Maybe you'll feel right at home. Can I teach you to knit?

*I've heard from at least three people in the last week that I've turned into Coraline-obsessed Gaiman fans with all these recent blog posts. There are uncountable numbers of us already and there's infinite room for more. Join us.

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