Monday, February 09, 2009

Snippits, collected for your amusement!

Because those that care will likely wonder, and because I can't possibly write my feelings and opinions about the movie any better than blogger Joshua Starr, here is the review of Coraline that I would have written if I was clever enough.

Yes. What he said.


For those who are sick of the Coraline talk [not possible!], you can expect the usual yarn, knitting, travel, teaching and ukulele blather to take over starting right about now.


Oh! Speaking of travel and teaching, you might notice a new widget on the right sidebar of the blog: my 2009 travel/teaching schedule. Woot! I'm finalizing a few more and will add them to the widget when they're confirmed.

For the widget-averse, or to see everything at once, go here.


And because you kind folk always ask when I post a big whack of tour dates, if you'd like me to come to your neighborhood, here's what to do: Contact your favorite yarn shop and tell them! If enough of you do that at any one shop, it just might happen! Just let the yarn shop know they can reach me at knittymagazine AT gmail -- and thanks for enabling!

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