main panels are worked in garter st. At the beginning
of every row, sl 1st st, with yarn in front, as
if to purl. Move yarn to back, knit to the end of
the row. This will create a nice selvedge (which
will be helpful for picking up sts for the yoke).
Do this for both MC and CC rows.
Panel #1
With MC and straight needles,
CO _____ (A) sts.
Beg with a RS row, work even for
5 inches, ending with RS facing.
*Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 8
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 1
inch, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 2
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work in pattern
for 3 inches.
Change to CC, work in pattern
for 4 rows.
Change to MC, work even for 5
inches, ending with RS facing.*
Rep from * to * until piece measures
______ (B) inches from beg. End with RS facing,
using MC.
Change to CC and work 2 more rows.
Do not BO or break yarn. Put sts on st holder and
set aside.
Panel #2
With MC and straight needles,
CO _____ (A) sts.
Beg with a RS row, work even for
1 inch, ending with RS facing.
**Change to CC, work even for
4 rows.
Change to MC, work even for 2
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 3
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 5
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 8
inches, ending with RS facing.
Change to CC, work even for 4
Change to MC, work even for 1
inch, ending with RS facing.**
Repeat from ** to ** until piece
measures ______ (B) inches. End with RS facing,
using MC.
Change to CC and work 2 more rows.
Do not BO or break yarn.
Weave in loose ends for both panels.
Join Panels
Use safety pin to mark half-way
point along left side of Panel #1.
With CC, straight needles and
RS facing, pick up _____(A) sts along the lower
left side of Panel #1, beginning at bottom (row
1) and ending half-way up the panel (safety pin).
Place safety pin at the end of
this row (to mark center of poncho for later).
Holding WSs together, match up
the newly picked-up sts in Panel #1 with the live
sts on the end of Panel #2, as shown in Figure 2.
Hold needles parallel, with Panel #1 in back and
Panel #2 in front. Work a 3 Needle BO. Break yarn
and secure.
Alternatively, BO with a crochet
hook instead of a 3rd needle. Insert
hook into first st on front needle, and then into
first st on back needle. Pick up yarn, pull through
both loops, and drop loops off both needles. *Repeat
with next st on each needle. Pull second st through
1st st on hook. Repeat from * until there
is only one st left on the hook. Break yarn and
Repeat by picking up sts on bottom
half of Panel #2 and binding off with live sts on
Panel #1.
With RS facing, use MC to pick
up sts along neckline, beg at one of the two safety
pins placed when joining panels. Pick up one st
in the corner, then continue to pick up one st in
the back loop of each selvage st (1 st for every
2 rows) for that panel. At the next corner (marked
by second safety pin), pick up st in the corner
and cont as for previous half.
The number of sts picked up should
be approximately [(B _____ inches multiplied by
(gauge) 7 rows/inch, divided by 2) minus 2].
Round 1: K around, placing markers
1/3 and 2/3 across both the first and the second
panel (4 markers placed).
Round 2: *Knit to 2 sts before
marker, K2tog, slip marker, knit to next marker,
slip marker, SSK, repeat from * to end of round.
Rounds 3 & 4: Work even in
St st.
Round 5: Repeat round 2.
Repeat rounds 3-5 until yoke is
(Y) _____ inches from pick up.
Work 1 inch even in St st. Change
to CC. Work even in St st for 3 inches. Change to
MC. Knit 2 rounds. BO loosely.