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Inspired by a maternity top that I didn't get to wear nearly enough while I was pregnant, this sweater is an attempt to recapture the feminine feeling that my maternity clothes gave me during the full bloom of my pregnancy.

The high empire waist, low v-neck and a-line shape so common to maternity wear are brought together here in a light wool/cotton blend, perfect for the season. The delicious red yarn conveys the ripe fullness promised by both spring and pregnancy. The a-line shape and ribbing are reped in the bell sleeves, but this sweater would make a great tank as well. Just knit the armhole openings a half inch shorter and finish them off with a simple crochet edging

model: Alison Hansel photo: David Hansel

32 [34, 36, 38, 40] inch bust

Chest: 33.5[35, 37, 39, 41.5] inches
Length: 22.5 [23, 24, 24.5, 25] inches



Rowan Wool Cotton [50% merino wool, 50% cotton; 123yd/113m per 50g skein];
color: Rich # 911; 9[10, 10, 11, 11] skeins

1 24-inch US #5/3.75mm circular needle
1 24-inch US #6/4mm circular needle
St markers
Rainbow elastic color #24 (if substituting yarn color, choose a color very close to or slightly darker than yarn color)



22 sts/28 rows = 4 inches in stockinette st with larger needle


Body (Knit in one piece to the armholes.)

With smaller needles, CO 200[212, 224, 236, 248] sts. Join, pm, K 100 [106, 112, 118, 124] sts, pm, K to end of round. Work even in St st until 1 inch from beg. Change to larger needles and work even in St st until 3 inches from beg.

Next round: K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before marker, SSK, K1, slip marker, K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before marker, SSK, K1, slip marker.

*K 5 rounds even.

K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before marker, SSK, K1, slip marker, K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before marker, SSK, K1, slip marker.*

Rep from * to * 7 times more. (164[176, 188, 200, 212] sts).

Work even in St st until work measures 9 [9, 9.5, 9.5, 9.5] inches from beg.

Holding elastic thread tog with yarn, (work 16[17, 18, 19, 20] sts in 2x2 rib, work 2 tog maintaining rib patt) 4 times, rib to first marker. Rep decs the same way across second half of round. (156[168, 180, 192, 204] sts).

Cont even in rib patt for five more rounds. Cut elastic, leaving 8 inch tail to weave in later.

Change to st st.

Next round: (K16[17, 18, 19, 20], M1) 4 times, knit to marker. Rep incs the same way across second half of round. (164[176, 188, 200, 212] sts).

Work 3 rounds even.

Next round: K1, M1L, K to last st before marker, M1R, K1, slip marker, K1, M1L, K to last st before marker, M1R, K1, slip marker. Rep inc round every 4th round 3 more times. (180[192, 204, 216, 228] sts).

Cont even in st st until work measures 14.5[14.5, 15, 15, 15.5] inches from beg.

Shape armholes:

BO 4 sts at beg of next round, K to first marker, turn. Front and back will now be worked separately. (86[92, 98, 104, 110] sts for back, 90[96, 102, 108, 114 sts for front). Place front sts on a holder.



**Next Row (WS): BO 4 sts, P to end.

Row 1 (RS): K2, K2tog, K to 4 sts from end, SSK, K2.

Row 2 (WS): P2, slip 2 knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and p2tog tbl, P to 4 sts from end, slip 2 knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and p2tog, P2.

Rep rows 1 and 2 1[1, 2, 2, 2] times more.

Rep row 1 on next then EOR 0[2, 1, 3, 4] times.** (72[74, 78, 80, 84] sts).

Work even until armhole measures 7.25[7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75] inches.

Shape shoulders:

Row 1 (RS): BO 6[6, 6, 7, 7] sts, K to end.

Row 2 (WS): BO 6[6, 6, 7, 7] sts, P 14[15, 16, 16, 18], BO center 32[32, 34, 34, 34] sts, P to end. Place first 14[15, 16, 16, 18] sts on a holder.

Row 3: BO 5[6, 6, 6, 7] sts, K to end.

Row 4: BO 2[2, 2, 2, 3] sts, P to end.

Row 5: BO 5[5, 6, 6, 6] sts, K to end.

Row 6: BO 2 rem sts.

Return holder sts to working needle and, with RS facing, join yarn to left back neck.

Row 1 (RS): BO 2[2, 2, 2, 3] sts, K to end.

Row 2: BO 5[6, 6, 6, 7] sts, P to end.

Row 3: BO 2 sts, K to end.

Row 4: BO 5 [5, 6, 6, 6] rem sts.


Return front sts to working needle and, with RS facing, join yarn.

BO 4 sts, K to end, turn. 86[92, 98, 104, 110] sts.

Work as for back from ** to **. (72[74, 78, 80, 84] sts).

Purl 1 row.

Shape Neck:

Next row (RS): K 32[33, 35, 36, 38], SSK, K2, turn. Place rem sts on holder and cont working Left side of neck only.

Row 1 (WS): P2, slip next 2 sts knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and purl tog tbl, P to end.

Row 2 (RS): K to 4 sts from neck, SSK, K2.

Rep dec Rows 1 and 2 once more. Work dec Row 2 EOR 8[8, 9, 9, 9] times then every foll 4th row 4[4, 4, 4, 5] times. (16[17, 18, 19, 20] sts).

Work even in st st until armhole measures 7.25[7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75] inches, ending with RS facing.

Shape shoulder:

BO 6[6, 6, 7, 7] sts, k to end. Purl 1 row. BO

5[6, 6, 6, 7] sts, k to end. Purl 1 row. BO rem 5[5, 6, 6, 6] sts.

Return holder sts to working needle and, with RS facing, join yarn to Right side of front neck.

Row 1 (RS): K2, K2tog, K to end.

Row 2 (WS): P to 4 sts from end, slip next 2 sts knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and purl tog, P2.

Rep dec rows 1 and 2 once more. Work dec Row 2 EOR 8[8, 9, 9, 9] times then every foll 4th row, 4[4, 4, 4, 5] times. (16[17, 18, 19, 20] sts).

Work even in st st until armhole measures 7.25[7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75] inches, ending with WS facing.

Shape shoulder:

BO 6[6, 6, 7, 7] sts, p to end. Knit 1 row. BO 5[6, 6, 6, 7] sts, p to end. Knit 1 row. BO rem 5[5, 6, 6, 6] sts.


Sleeves (Worked flat. Make two.)

With smaller needles, CO 76[76, 80, 80, 84] sts. Work even in st st until 1 inch from beg.

Change to larger needles. Work even until 2 inches from beg, ending with RS facing.

Next row: K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts from end, SSK, K1.

Rep this dec row every foll 8th row 3 more times. (68[68, 72, 72, 76] sts).

Work even until 9 inches from beg, ending with RS facing.

Holding elastic thread tog with yarn, work even in 2x2 ribbing for 6 rows. Cut elastic, leaving 8 inch tail to weave in later.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next row: K1, M1R, K to last st, M1L, K1.

Rep this inc row every foll 10th row twice more. 74[74, 78, 78, 82] sts

Work even until sleeve measures 14.5[14.5, 14.5, 15, 15] inches from beg.

Shape cap:

BO 4 sts at beg of next two rows.

Row 1 (RS): K1, K2tog, K to last 3 sts, SSK, K1.

Row 2 (WS): P1, slip next 2 sts knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and purl tog tbl, P to last 3 sts, slip next 2 sts knitwise, place slipped sts back on left needle and purl tog, P1.

Rep dec Rows 1 and 2 twice more. Work dec Row 1 on next then EOR 4[3, 4, 4, 5] times then on every foll 4th row 5[6, 6, 7, 7] times and then EOR 2[2, 3, 2, 3] times. Rep dec Rows 1 and 2 once more. Work dec Row 1 once. BO rem 24 sts.



Sew shoulder seams. Set in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Work a row of single crochet across back neck. Weave in ends. Feel like a woman!



Alison Hansel lives and knits in Boston, MA. She is recognized on the street as "the woman with the twins".

In addition to caring and knitting for said twins, she writes about her knitting at


