Natalie Wilson
This comfy oversized cuddler will
take you through the cooler months in style. The open
sides keep it drapey. Despite all the cheerful colors,
you never have to work with more than one at a time.
For a different look, try using
just one accent yarn in a more subtle contrast with
the main color.
And don't be put off by the weaving.
It's easier than it looks. |
model: Sarah
photos: Natalie
Wilson |
Bust: 54[67] inches
Length: 25[27] inches |

[MC] Curious Creek Fibers Samburu [55% mohair, 45%
wool; 108yd/ 98m per 50g
skein]; color: Glacier Lakes; 6 [9] skeins
[CC1] Curious Creek Fibers Shira [54% mohair, 23%
silk, 18% wool, 5% nylon; 86yd/77m per 50g skein]; color: Glacier Lakes; 5 [7]
[CC2] Curious Creek Fibers Shira [54% mohair, 23%
silk, 18% wool, 5% nylon; 86yd/ 77m per 50g skein]; color: Anemone; 2 skeins
[CC3] Curious Creek Fibers Shira [54% mohair, 23%
silk, 18% wool, 5% nylon; 86yd/ 77m per 50g skein]; color: Tilting the Gizmo; 1
[CC4] Curious Creek Fibers Shira [54% mohair, 23%
silk, 18% wool, 5% nylon; 86yd/ 77m per 50g skein]; color: Sunrise on Daffodils;
1 skein
1 set US #8/5mm double-point needles
1 set US #8/5mm straight needles
1 24-inch US #8/5mm circular needle
6 stitch holders
Locking ring markers
Tapestry needle
17 sts/23 rows =
4 inches in St st stripe pattern using US
#8/5 mm needles
15 sts/23 rows = approx. 4 inches when weaving is
complete |
list of standard abbreviations can be found
Stripe Pattern
Row 1 (RS): K with MC.
Rows 2-6: Cont in St st with MC.
Rows 7-10: Cont in St st with CC.
These 10 rows form Stripe Pattern.
The CCs will be used in the following sequences:
For Back and Front:
CC1 6[7] times, CC2, CC1, CC3, CC1, CC4, CC1, CC2.
Then work in MC only to end of piece.
For Sleeves:
Size S-L: CC1, CC4, CC1, CC2, CC1, CC3, CC1, CC2.
Size XL-XXXL: CC1, CC2, CC1, CC4, CC1, CC2, CC1, CC3.
With US #8 needles and CC1, CO 103[129] sts. K 3
Beg with Row 1, work in Stripe Patt, using the given
sequence for CC, until ready to beg 9th [10th]
occurrence of CC1.
Shape shoulders and back neck
Cont in Stripe Patt as established, work short row
shoulder shaping as follows:
Row 1 (RS, with CC1): K to last 4[5] sts,
wrap next st and turn.
Row 2: P to last 4[5] sts, wrap next st
and turn.
Row 3: K to last 7[9] sts, wrap next st
and turn.
Row 4: P to last 7[9] sts, wrap next st
and turn.
Row 5: K to last 10[14] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 6: P to last 10[14] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 7: K to last 13[18] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 8: P to last 13[18] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 9: K to last 16[23] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 10: P to last 16[23] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 11: K to last 19[27] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 12: P to last 19[27] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 13: K 17[22], wrap next st and place
it and next 30 sts on holder for back neck, and
rem 36[49] sts on holder for left shoulder and neck.
Row 14: P 14[17], wrap next st and turn.
Row 15: K 11[14], wrap next st and turn.
Row 16: P 8[10], wrap next st and turn.
Row 17: K 6[8], wrap next st and turn.
Row 18: P 3[4], wrap next st and turn.
Row 19: K 3[4], wrap next st and turn.
Row 20: P across 31[44] shoulder sts, picking
up wraps, and place them on a holder.
Cut yarn, leaving 1 yd tail.
Place 5 rem sts on holder.
Shape Left Shoulder
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to left shoulder sts.
Row 1: K 14[17], wrap next st and turn.
Row 2: P 11[14], wrap next st and turn.
Row 3: K 8[10], wrap next st and turn.
Row 4: P 6[8], wrap next st and turn.
Row 5: K 3[4], wrap next st and turn.
Row 6: P 3[4], wrap next st and turn.
Row 7: K across 31[44] shoulder sts, picking
up wraps, and place them on a holder. Cut yarn,
leaving 1 yd tail. Place 5 rem sts on holder.
With RS facing, attach MC, k 5 sts from holder at
right neck edge, k 31 sts from center back holder,
then k 5 sts from holder at left neck edge. Place
these 41 sts on a holder.
Work as for Back to beg shoulder and neck shaping.
Shape shoulders and front neck
Cont in St St in Stripe
Patt as established.
Row 1 (RS): K 36[49], wrap next st and
place it and next 30 sts on holder for front neck,
and rem 49 sts on holder for right shoulder and
neck. Turn.
Row 2: P to last 4[5] sts, wrap next st
and turn.
Row 3: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Row 4: P to last 7[9] sts, wrap next st
and turn.
Row 5: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Row 6: P to last 10[14] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 7: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Row 8: P to last 13[18] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 9: K all sts.
Row 10: P to last 16[23] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 11: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Row 12: P to last 19[27] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 13: K all sts.
Row 14: P to last 22[32] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 15: K to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Row 16: P to last 25[36] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 17: K all sts.
Row 18: P to last 28[40] sts, wrap next
st and turn.
Row 19: K all sts.
Row 20: P across all sts, picking up wraps.
Place sts on holder, break yarn.
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to 36[49] right shoulder
and neck sts.
Complete as for left side, reversing shaping, and
using ssk in place of k2tog.
(Make 2)
With US #8 needles and CC2[CC3], CO 53 sts. K 3
Change to MC and inc 1 st at each end of row.
Beg working in St St in
Stripe Patt as given for sleeves.
Inc 1 st at each end of first row of next 14 stripes
-- 30 sts increased. 83 sts
Cont in patt without shaping until stripe patt is
Work 4[0] rows even with MC.
BO all sts.
Place shoulder sts on dpns. Using locking ring markers
or safety pins, mark 13th and 26th [13th, 26th, and
39th] sts in from armhole edge of each shoulder (on
both front and back). 8[12] marked sts in total.
Holding right sides together, using three needle BO
and yarn tails from back
shoulders, join fronts to backs, dropping marked sts
on both front and back
pieces, working BO very loosely over dropped sts.
When all shoulder sts are bound off, unravel dropped
sts so that ladders form in the fabric. Unravel ladders
down to CO edge.
Using locking ring markers or safety pins, mark center
st of neck, and 13th st out from either side of center
st, on both front and back. 6 marked sts in total.
Using US #8 circular needle and CC1, with RS facing
and starting at left shoulder seam, pick up and k
18 sts along left side front neck, place marker, k2
from holder, drop marked st and CO 3 sts over it,
[k12 from holder, drop marked st and CO 3 sts over
it] twice, k rem 2 sts from holder, place marker,
pick up and k 18 sts from right side front neck, pick
up and k 2 sts along right side back neck, place marker,
k7 from holder, [drop marked st and CO 3 sts over
it, k12 from holder] twice, drop marked st and CO
3 sts over it, k rem 7 sts from holder, place marker,
k2 sts from left side back neck. 124 sts on needle.
Place different colored marker to
mark beg of round, and join work to beg working in
the round. NOTE: in subsequent rounds, when
instructed to decrease at marker, do not decrease
at this marker.
Round 1: [P18, p2tog] 6 times, p4. 118 sts
Rounds 2, 4, and 6: [K to 2 sts before marker,
ssk, slip marker, k2tog] 4 times, k to end.
Round 3: [P16, p2tog] 6 times, p2. 104 sts
Round 5: [P14, p2tog] around. 90 sts rem.
After Round 6, 82 sts rem.
BO all sts purlwise.
Side bands
Using US #8 needles and CC2[CC3], pick up and k 50[58]
sts along left side edge of front, from lower edge
to last row before CC2.
K 3 rows.
BO all sts.
Rep along right side edge of front, and both side
edges of back.
Block pieces to measurements.
Color sequence:
With RS facing, weave in following color sequence
from left to right:
CC4, CC2, CC3, CC2 (center), CC3, CC2, CC4 [CC2, CC4,
CC2, CC3, CC2 (center), CC3, CC2, CC4, CC2].
Weaving technique
Thread 2 strands of CC onto tapestry needle and, using
photos as guides, weave these strands over then under
2 ladder strands at a time from CO edge of front over
shoulder to CO edge of back or to neck edge, leaving
tails approximately 8-10 inches long at CO edge(s).
Work a second pass in same ladder by weaving under
then over 2 ladder strands at a time, then work a
third pass as for the first. Secure ends at neck edge.
Tie overhand knots to join all weaving strands into
tassels at CO edges. Repeat weaving and tying for
all ladders.
Sew sleeves to armhole edges above
side bands. Sew sleeve seams. Overlap front side bands
over back side bands and tack down on inside near
sleeve. Weave in ends. Trim tassel ends to desired
length (approx 3 inches in model).

designs and teaches and knits in the Detroit area.
Learn all about it at www.iknitiative.com.
By the time you read this, she will have launched
her first kindergartener and joined the PTA, too!
Pattern & images
© 2004 Natalie Wilson. Contact Natalie |