Using size 8 needles, CO 39 [43, 47] sts in MC.
Work 4[6, 6] rows in Seed St.
Beg with Row 1, work in Main Body Patt.
Cont until back measures 6.5 [6.5, 7] inches, ending
with WS row.
Shape Armholes
BO 3 [4, 4] sts at beg
of next 2 rows. 33 [35, 39] sts rem.
Cont in patt until armhole measures 5.5 [6,
6.5] inches, ending with WS row.
Shape Shoulders
BO 3 [3, 4] sts at beg of
next 2 rows. 27 [29, 31] sts
Next row (RS): BO 3 [3, 4] sts, k until
there are 5 sts on right needle and turn, leaving
rem sts on needle. Work each side separately.
BO 2 sts at beg of next row.
BO rem 3 sts.
With RS facing, rejoin yarn, BO center 11 [13, 13]
sts, k to end.
Work rem sts (left shoulder) to match first
side, reversing shaping.
Left Front
Using size 8 needles, CO 20 [22, 24] sts in MC.
Work 4 [6, 6] rows in seed stitch.
*Next row [RS]: Work Row 1 of Main Body
Patt to last 5 sts, work these last 5 sts in Seed
Next row [WS]: Work 5 sts in Seed St, work
rem sts in Main Body Patt.
Work Rows 3 through 6 of Main Body Patt,
keeping 5 sts in Seed St as set.
Work Rows 7 & 8 of Main Body Patt.
Repeat from * until work measures same as back to
armholes, ending with a WS row.
Shape Armhole
Next Row [RS]: BO 3 [4, 4] sts at beg of
next row. 17[18, 20] sts rem.
Cont in patt as set until left front is 1.25 [1.5,
1.5] inches shorter than the back before shoulder
shaping, ending with a RS row.
Shape Neck
Next row [WS]: BO in patt 3 sts at beg of
next row and 2 sts at beg of following WS row. 12
[13, 15] sts
Dec 1 st at neck edge of following 3 [4, 4] rows.
9 [9,11] sts
Cont in patt until front measures same as back to
shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.
Shape Shoulder
Next Row [RS]: BO 3 [3, 4] sts at beg of
next and following RS row.
Work 1 row.
BO rem 3 sts.
Using size 8 needles, CO 20 [22, 24] sts in MC.
Work 4 [6, 6] rows in Seed St.
*Next row [RS]: Work 5 sts in Seed St,
work rem sts in Main Body Patt.
Next row [WS]: Work Row 2 of Main Body
Patt to last 5 sts, work these last 5 sts in Seed
Work Rows 3 through 6 of Main Body Patt,
keeping 5 sts in Seed St as set.
Work Rows 7 & 8 of Main Body Patt.
Repeat from * until work measures same as back to
armholes, ending with a RS row.
Shape Armhole
Next Row [WS]: BO 3 [4, 4] sts at beg of
next row. 17[18, 20] sts rem.
Cont in patt as set until left front is 1.25 [1.5,
1.5] inches shorter than the back before shoulder
shaping, ending with a WS row.
Shape Neck
Next row [RS]: BO in patt 3 sts at beg
of next row and 2 sts at beg of following RS row.
12 [13, 15] sts
Dec 1 st at neck edge of following 3 [4, 4] rows.
9 [9,11] sts
Cont in patt until front measures same as
back to shoulder shaping, ending with a RS row.
Shape Shoulder
Next Row [WS]: BO 3[3, 4] sts at beg of
next and following WS row. Work 1 row. BO rem 3
(both alike)
Using size 10 needles CO 20[22, 24] sts in CC.
Work 16 rows (8 ridges) in garter st.
Next row [RS]: Switch to size 8 needles
and MC.
Work in stockinette stitch for 2[4, 4] rows.
Inc 1 st at each end of next and every foll RS row
until 13[15, 16] inc rows have been worked. 46[52,
56] sts
Cont without further shaping until sleeve measures
11.5[13, 14] inches.
BO all sts.
NOTE: to reduce bulk, consider placing the
sleeve stitches on a holder and later grafting the
sleeve to the armhole during finishing.
Join both shoulder seams.
With RS facing, using size 8 needles and MC, pick
up and work in seed stitch 10[11, 11] sts along
right side of neck, 13[15, 15] sts along back of
neck, and 10[11, 11] sts along left side of neck.
33[37, 37] sts
Cont in Seed St for 5 [7, 7] more rows.
*Next row [RS]: Work 1 st, inc 1, work
to last st, inc 1, work last st.
Work 3 rows.
Rep from * one time more.
BO all sts in patt.