Leigh Spencer
Here's a casual autumn jacket
with sizes for both toddlers and adults.
The yarns are knitted tightly
to make the jackets warm and comfy. The ribbing
gives a little, allowing for a perfect fit.
This is especially nice for the kids who outgrow
clothes so quickly.
Mix and match! The 3 stripe
patterns can be used with any size. Let the
little ones pick out some colors and see what
For a little added whimsy,
you can button a hanging pocket to the back
of the toddler version for collecting and carrying
Tiny Important Things.
Add a double-ended zipper
to the adult version and you'll have the same
jacket everyone wants to wear this fall! |
Leigh Spencer, Becky
& Noel
Dave |
For kids |
1[2, 3, 4] Toddler |
Chest: [26, 28, 32, 34] inches
Length: [12, 14, 16, 18] inches |

[MC] Schoolhouse Press Highland Wool [Wool;
175 yd per 4 oz skein]; Grey; 3[3, 3, 4] skeins
[CC1] Red; 1 skein
[CC2] White; 1 skein

[MC] Peace Fleece [30% Mohair/70% wool; 200
yd per 4 oz skein]; Negotiation Grey; 2[2, 3,
3] skeins
[CC1] Georgia Rose; 1 skein
[CC2] Antarctica White; 1 skein
1 24-inch US #3/3.25mm circular needle
1 24-inch US #4/3.5mm circular needle
1 24 -inch US #7/4.5mm circular needle
Tapestry Needle
Separating lightweight zipper
Stitch Holder
Stitch Markers
2 Peace Fleece Wood Buttons [for girl version]
Sewing needle and thread
20 sts/28 rows = 4"
in stockinette stitch
Girl 20
sts/32 rows = 4" in stockinette stitch
otherwise stated, use needles appropriate for
gauge. |
Chest Stripe: Work 3 rows
[CC1], 1 row [CC2], 3 rows [CC1]
Edge Stripe: Work 4 rows
Edge Stripe: Work 4 rows
[CC1], 4 rows [CC2], 9 rows [MC] and 2 rows
CO 66[70, 82, 86] sts and
work Edge Stripe in following rib patt:
Row 1: K3[1, 3, 1], *p4,
k4* 7[8, 9,1 0] times, p4, k3[1, 3, 1].
Row 2: P3[1, 3, 1], *k4,
p4* 7[8, 9, 10] times, k4, p3[1, 3, 1].
Begin MC and cont rib until
back measures:
6[7, 9, 10] inches from
cast on edge, ending with a WS row. On next
7 rows, work Chest Stripe, then cont with
MC. Work 5[6, 6, 7] inches in rib, then work
shoulder shaping.
12[14, 16, 18] from cast
on edge, then work shoulder shaping.
Shoulder Shaping
BO 12[12, 16, 16] sts at
beg of next 2 rows, and 11[11, 12, 13] sts
on foll 2 rows. Put rem 20[24, 26, 28] sts
on holder.
Right Front
CO 34[36, 42, 44] sts and
work Edge Stripe while following rib patt.
Sizes 1 and 3 only:
Row 1: K3, *p4, k4* 3[4]
times, p4, k3.
Row 2: P3, *k4, p4* 3[4]
times, k4, p3.
Sizes 2 and 4 only:
Row 1: K3, *p4, k4* 4[5]
times, k1.
Row 2: P1, *p4, k4* 4[5]
times, p3.
Begin MC and cont 2 rows
of rib patt until work measures:
6[7, 9, 10] inches from
cast on edge, ending with a WS row. On next
7 rows, work Chest Stripe, then cont with
MC. Work 4.5[5, 5, 5.5]
inches in rib, then begin shoulder
and neck shaping.
14, 15.5] inches from cast on edge,
ending with a WS row. Begin shoulder and neck
Shape Neck & Shoulders
Work first row putting first
5[6, 6, 6] neck edge sts on holder. Dec 1
st at neck edge on next 3[3, 4, 5] rows, then
dec 1 st every alt row 2[4, 4, 4] times --
23[23, 28, 29] sts. Cont in patt until work
measures 12[14, 16, 18] inches. BO 12[12,
16, 16] sts at shoulder edge, and 11[11, 12,
13] sts on foll alt row.
Left Front
Sizes 1 and 3: As for right
front, reversing shapings.
Sizes 2 and 4: Work rib
as follows while reversing neck and shoulder
Row 1: K1, *k4, p4* 3[5]
times, k3.
Row 2: P3, *k4, p4* 4[5]
times, p1.
[Boy] Use
[Girl] Use
Join shoulder seams.
Maintaining rib pattern,
use smallest circular to pick up and work
first 5[6, 6, 6] sts from right front holder,
10[10, 13, 15] sts up neck side, place marker,
pick up 20[24, 26, 28] sts from back neck
holder, place marker, 10[10, 13, 15] sts from
neck side, and 5[6, 6, 6] sts from left front
holder. On first two rows, to keep rib patt
continuity, increase before back neck sts
if necessary.
Work for 0.5[0.5, 1, 1]
inch, then change to size 4/3.5mm circular
needles. Work 1 inch more, then change to
4.5 mm circular needles. On next row, knit
to 2nd marker, wrap next stitch and turn.
Knit back to 1st marker, wrap next st &
turn and cont to end of row. Pick up wraps
as encountered. Work another 1.5 inches before
binding off loosely in patt.
Make 2
CO 34[34, 42,
42] sts and work
Edge Stripe in rib patt as follows:
Row 1: K 3[3, 3,
3], *p4, k4* 3 [3, 4, 4] times, p4[4,
4, 4],
k3[3, 3,
Row 2: P 3[3,
3, 3],
*k4, p4* 3[3, 4, 4] times, k4[4, 4,
4], p3[3, 3,
On 7th row [RS],
begin to shape sleeves by increasing 1 st
in from edge.
Inc 1 st ea side on this
and every following 4th[4
th, 4th, 5th]
row 11[14, 11, 14] times, while keeping continuity
of rib & stripe patts. BO when sleeve
measures 8[9, 10, 11] inches.
Very Important Things
Sides: Make 2
Using 4.5 mm needles and
CC1, CO 30 and work 5 rows in 1x1 rib. Work
19 rows in St st then begin to dec as follows:
Row 1: K3, ssk, ssk, k to
7 sts from end, k2tog, k2tog, k3.
Row 2: Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows until
2 times, then BO remaining sts.
Twisted Strap
Make 2
Making this strap is similar
to twisting up a skein of yarn.
- Take
2 lengths of CC1 45[48, 51, 54] inches long.
- Fold
each length into 3 equal lengths.
- Now,
take one of these folded lengths and, holding
one end, twist the other end until very
- Holding
an end in each hand, slowly allow twisted
yarn to twist back on itself.
- Secure
bottom of your strap before sewing to bag.
Note: You can twist straps
even more before buttoning it onto sweater
if button hole is too big.
Block pieces to correct
size. Seam up sides and back. Install zipper.
[for girl version]
Sew one button on each side
of the back neck. Sew straps into bag sides.
Button bag in place by separating the braid.
For adults |
S[M, L, XL] Adult |
Chest: [40, 42, 44, 46] inches
Length: [24, 25, 26, 27] inches |

[MC] Peace Fleece [30% Mohair/70% wool; 200
yd per 4 oz skein]; Hemlock Poashja; 7[8, 9,
10] skeins
[CC1] Peace Fleece; Shaba Green; 1 skein
1 24-inch US #4/3.5mm circular needle
1 24-inch US #5/3.75mm circular needle
1 24 -inch US #8/5mm circular needle
Tapestry Needle
Separating lightweight zipper
3 Stitch Holders
Stitch Markers
Sewing needle and thread
18 sts/28 rows
= 4" in stockinette stitch
otherwise stated, use needles appropriate for
gauge. |
Edge Stripe: Work 1 row [MC] and 15 rows [CC1]
CO 90[94, 98, 102] sts and work Edge Stripe
in following rib patt:
Row 1: K 3[1, 3, 1], *p4, k4* 10[11, 11, 12]
times, p4, k 3[1, 3, 1].
Row 2: P 3[1, 3, 1], *k4, p4* 10[11, 11, 12]
times, k4, p 3[1, 3, 1].
Begin MC and cont rib until back measures 23.5[24.5,
25.5, 26.5], then work shoulder shaping.
Note: If working chest stripe, work 16[17,
17.5, 18.5] inches before beg Chest Stripe patt,
then continue to shoulder shaping.
Shoulder Shaping
BO 17[18, 18, 19] sts
at beg of next 2 rows, and 13[14, 15, 16] sts
at beg of next 2 rows. Put rem 30[30, 32, 32]
sts on holder.
Right Front
CO 49[51, 57, 59] sts and work Edge Stripe
in following rib patt:
Sizes S and L:
Row 1: K2, *p4, k4* 5[6] times, p4, k3.
Row 2: P3, *k4, p4* 5[6] times, k4, p2.
Sizes M and XL:
Row 1: K2, *p4, k4* 6[7] times, k1.
Row 2: P1, *p4, k4* 6[7] times, p2.
Begin MC and cont in rib patt until work measures
20.5[21.5, 22, 23] inches, then beg neck and
shoulder shaping.
Note: If working chest stripe, work 15.5[16.5,
17.5, 18] inches, beg Chest Stripe patt, then
continue to neck shaping.
Shape Neck & Shoulders
Work first row putting first 6[6, 6, 6] sts
on holder. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 6[6,
9, 9] rows, then dec 1 st every other row 7[7,
9, 9] times -- 30[32, 33, 35] sts. Cont in patt
until work measures 23.5[24.5, 25.5, 26.5] inches
then beg shoulder shaping.
BO 17[18,18,19] sts at
shoulder edge, and 13[14,15,16] sts on foll
alt row.
Left Front
CO 49[51, 57, 59] sts.
Sizes S and L: Work rib as follows while reversing
neck and shoulder shapings.
Row 1: K3, *p4, k4* 5[6] times, p4, k2.
Row 2: P2, *k4, p4* 5[6] times, k4, p3.
Sizes M and XL: Work rib as follows while reversing
neck and shoulder shapings.
Row 1: K1, *k4, p4* 6[7] times, k2.
Row 2: P2, *k4, p4* 6[7] times, p1.
Join shoulder seams. Using 3.5 mm circular
needle, pick up and work first 6 sts from right
front holder, 16[16, 18, 18]sts up neck side,
PM, 30[30, 32, 32] sts from back neck holder,
PM, 16[16, 18, 18] sts from neck side, and 6
sts from left front holder. On first two rows,
to keep rib patt continuity, increase before
back neck sts if necessary.
Work for 1 inch, then change to 4.5 mm circular
needles. Work 1 inch more, then change to 5
mm circular needles. On next row, knit to 2nd
marker, wrap next stitch and turn. Knit back
to 1st marker, wrap next stitch and turn; cont
to end of row. Pick up wraps as encountered.
Work another 3 inches before binding off loosely
in patt.
CO 48 sts and work Edge Stripe in rib patt
as follows:
Row 1: K2, *p4, k4* 5 times, p4, k2.
Row 2: P2, *k4, p4* 5 times, k4, p2.
On 7th row [RS] beg to shape sleeves
by increasing 1 st in from edge. Inc 1 st ea
side on this and every following 6th[6th,
7th, 7th] row 13[14, 15,
16] times. BO when sleeve measures 17[18, 19,
19] inches. |
Block pieces to correct
size. Seam up sides. Install zipper.

Toddler |
A=13[14,16,17] inches |
E=6 .5[6.5,7.5,7.5] inches |
B=12[14,16,18] inches |
F=8[9,10,11] inches |
C=6.5[7,8,8.5] inches |
G=6 inches |
D=11[12,12,13] inches |
H=4.5 inches |
Adult |
A=20[21,22,22] inches |
D=16.5[17,175=.5,18] |
B=24[25,26,27] inches |
E=10 inches |
C=10.5[11,12.5,13] inches |
F=17[18,19,19] inches |
loves to knit!
She is a mother to two
little sprouts who keep her on the run. She
sends a big shout out to Chris Behme, Sandy
Hurley and Ruth Dennis who helped her knit the
adult version of Accordion. [Ditto!
You can visit her at her weblog,
where she writes about her adventures in knitting
and motherhood.
Pattern &
images © 2003 Leigh Spencer. Contact Leigh. |