With MC and the circular
needle, CO 232 sts, place marker, join.
In rounds, work in St st [knit every row]
until piece measures 16 inches [measure
with hem allowed to roll naturally].
Divide for Front & Back
BO 4 sts, k112, BO
4 sts, k112.
Change to CC and,
working back and forth in rows on the
first set of 112 sts only, continue in
St st until piece measures 25 inches from
beg, end with RS facing.
Shape shoulders
BO 10 sts, k30, place rem sts on holder.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every other row
2 times. At the same time, BO 9 sts
from shoulder edge 3 times.
Break yarn.
With WS facing, attach yarn to left shoulder.
P30, leaving rem 32 sts on holder.
Work 1 row even.
BO 10 sts at beg. of next row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every other row
2 times. At the same time, BO 9 sts
from shoulder edge 3 times.
Using CC, join yarn to the 112 front sts. Working back
and forth in rows,
continue in St st until piece measures
22.25 inches from beg ending with R facing.
Shape Neck
K49 sts; place rem.
sts on a holder.
Work 1 row even.
Dec 1 st at neck edge every row 7 times
then every other row 5 times.
Work even until piece measures 25 inches
from beg, ending with RS facing.
BO 10 sts at beg of next row then BO 9
sts at beg of every other row 3 times.
Break yarn.
With WS facing, join
yarn to the right side of the front. P49
sts, leaving rem 14 sts on the holder.
Dec 1 st at neck edge every row 7 times
then every other row 5 times. Work even
until piece measures 25 inches from beg.,
end with WS facing.
BO 10 sts at beg of
next row then BO 9 sts at beg of every
other row 3 times.
Break yarn.
[worked top down]
CO 96 sts.
Work even in St st for 2 inches.
Dec 1 st from each edge on next and every following
3rd row to 42 sts.
Cont. even in St st until work from beg. measures
14.5 inches.
Work 8 rows in moss st.
BO remaining sts.
