Cable B [CB]
Rows 1, 3, 7: P1, k6, p1.
Row 5: P1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in back, k3,
k3 from cn, p1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: K1, p6, k1.
Cable F [CF]
Rows 1, 3, 7: P1, k6, p1.
Row 5: P1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in front,
k3, k3 from cn, p1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: K1, p6, k1.
Double Cable [DC]
Rows 1, 3, 7: P1, k6, p1,
k6, p1
Row 5: P1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in front,
k3, k3 from cn, p1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in
back, k3, k3 from cn, p1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: K1, p6, k1, p6, k1.
Reverse Double Cable [RDC]
Rows 1, 3, 7: P1, k6, p1,
k6, p1.
Row 5: P1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in back, k3,
k3 from cn, p1, sl 3 sts to cn, hold in front,
K3, k3 from cn, p1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: K1, p6, k1, p6, k1.
CO 95[105, 111, 115] sts.
Do not join.
Note: Do not
use a provisional cast on, although you will
be picking up these sts to work the hood.
Sts worked from a provisional cast on will
be offset by a half st, and your cables will
not align.
Beginning with row 2 of
the cable patterns, work Set Up Row [WS] as
Sl 1, p1, CB, p4[5,
7, 8], CF, place marker, p4[6, 6, 6], CB,
marker, p6[8, 9, 10], DC, p6[8, 9, 10], CF,
place marker, p4[6, 6, 6], CB, place marker,
p4[5, 7, 8], CF, p2.
Inc row [RS]: Sl 1, *work
in patt to 1 st before first marker, k1 into
st below, k1, sl marker, work cable sts in
patt, k1, k1 into st below, rep from * 3 times
more. [inc 8 sts each round.]
All following WS rows: Sl
1, then work all sts as they appear.
Work these two rows [the
Inc Row and the WS row] 28[30, 33, 36] times
more, ending on a WS row, removing the second
and fourth markers on the last row -- 327[353,
383, 411] sts. If you have just completed
row 4, work 2 rounds in patt without increasing.
Divide sts for body as follows:
Sl 1, work 46[49, 54, 58] sts in patt, without
increasing [you will now be at the center
of the second cable]. *CO 7 sts, then place
the next 70[76, 82, 88] sts [to the center
of the third cable] on a piece of scrap yarn.
Work the next 93[101, 109, 117] sts, keeping
the cables in patt [you will now be at the
center of the sixth cable]. Rep from * once
more [to the center of the seventh cable]
then work in patt to end of row -- 201[215,
233, 249] sts.
Note: if you expect to be sick
of cables by the time you finish, now's the time
to eliminate some of them. Simply work the new CO
sts at each underarm in St st. Bear in mind that
the sweater will be slightly looser if you do, since
cables have a tendency to pull in.
Set up row for underarm
cables [WS]; Sl 1, work 46[49, 54, 58] sts
in patt, p3, k1, p3 [across 7 new sts], work
93[101, 109, 117] sts in patt, p3, k1, p3
[across 7 new sts], work in patt to end.
Notice that the single cables
along the raglan line have now joined to form
a double cable, as at the center back.
Work even on these sts,
until body measures 4.5[5, 5.5, 6] inches
[or desired length] from dividing row, ending
on WS.
Waist shaping
Dec row: *work in patt to
2 sts before first marker. K2tog, work DC,
ssk. Rep from * once more. Work in patt to
end [4 sts decreased].
Work dec row every 8th
row twice more, ending on a WS row -- 189[201,
217, 237] sts. Body will now measure approximately
8.5[9,9.5, 10] inches
from dividing row.
Inc row: *Work in patt to
1 st before first marker, k1 into st below,
k1, sl marker, work next 15 sts in patt, k1,
k1 into st below, rep from * once more. Work
in patt to end [4 sts increased].
Work inc row every 6th
row twice more, ending on a WS row -- 201[215,
233, 249] sts. Body will now measure approximately
10.5[11, 11.5, 12]
inches from dividing row.
Work even in patt till piece
measures approx 12[12.5, 13, 13.5] inches
[or desired length] from dividing row, ending
on row 2, 4 or 8 of cable patt.
I-cord edging: Beginning with
the first 3 sts, work attached I-cord along live
sts at hem, ending 3 sts before end of row [6 live
sts remain]. Graft 3 sts of I-cord to remaining
3 sts. Weave in ends.
Pick up 7 sts to correspond
to the 7 sts cast on at the underarm, then
pick up and knit 70[76, 82, 88] sts from scrap
yarn --77[83, 89, 95] sts. Arrange sts evenly
on dpns or 2 circular needles, so that all
cable sts are on 1 needle.
Work 8 rounds even, continuing
the cable as established along raglan lines.
Note that the DC will become an RDC.
Dec row: Work to 2 sts before
cable, k2tog, work RDC, SSK, work rest of
row even.
Work decrease row every
6th row, 14[15, 16, 17] times more -- 47[51,
55, 59] sts remain.
Work even until sleeves
measures 17[17, 18, 18] inches from dividing
round, stopping 2 sts before RDC.
I-cord edging: Without cutting
yarn, CO 3 sts on empty needle. Work attached
I-cord cast off on these 3 sts, around all
sleeve sts. Graft live sts to CO sts, and
weave in ends.
Work second sleeve.

Note: cabling can be reduced
here as well, by working only the first and
last cable [around the opening of the hood].
Again, this will make a looser hood.
Starting with left front
neck, pick up 1 st for each original CO st
-- 95[105, 111, 115] sts.
Work set up row [WS] as
follows: Sl 1, p1, CF, p4[5, 7, 8], CB,
place marker, p4[6, 6, 6], CF, place marker,
p6[8, 9, 10], RDC, p6[8, 9, 10], CB, place
marker, p4[6, 6, 6], CF, place marker, p4[5,
7, 8], CB, p2.
Size S only
Work 1 inc row as follows:
Sl 1, k1, CF, k1, k1 into st below, k2, k
into st below, k1, CB, k1, k1 into st below,
K2, k1 into st below, k1, CF, k6, RDC, k6,
CB, k1, k1 into st below, k2, k1 into st below,
k1, CF, k1, k1 into st below, k2, k1 into
st below, k1, CB, k2. [8 sts increased, 103
sts total.]
All sizes
Work even on these sts until
hood measures 15 ins from pick up row, ending
on RS row 1, 3 or 7.
Pull out a loop of the circular
needle after the 52nd[52nd,
55th, 57th]st. Using
loop, fold hood so RS are facing. Work 3 needle
BO across hood sts, to center back of hood.