If you want the sleeves to
match, knit them first, and be sure to start
both balls of yarn at the same color.
Be sure to twist yarns
when switching balls for intarsia rectangles.
SKP: slip 1, knit
1, pass slipped stitch over.
work Corrugated Rib:
Work in K2, P1 rib using two
balls of yarn. Work knit sts with first ball
and purl sts with second ball.
With dpns or
smaller circular, CO
39[42, 45, 48] sts.
Place marker to note beginning of round and
Work in corrugated rib for 3 inches, ending
with a WS row. Drop first ball of yarn.
Dec 0[1, 0, 1] sts on next round. 39[41, 45,
47] sts.
Work 6 rounds in St st.
Increase Row
On next row, inc 2 sts as follows: k3, m1, k33[35, 39,
41] m1, k3.
Work an inc rnd in this way every 6th rows a
total of 11[12, 13, 14] times --61 [65,71,75]
Work even until sleeve measures
19[19, 20, 20] inches from beginning.
Place all sts on holder and set aside.
With larger circular, CO 173[191, 209, 227]sts. Do
not join.
Work corrugated rib for 3 inches, ending with
a WS row.
Drop first ball of yarn.
On next row, using second ball of yarn [MC],
work St st as follows: K43[48, 52, 57], place
marker, k43[48, 52, 57], k2tog[m1, k2tog, m1],
k42[47, 51, 56], place marker, k43[48, 52, 57]
-- 172[192,208,228] sts.
Continue to work in St st for 8 more rows.
Decrease Row
On following RS row,
dec 1 st each side of seam markers as follows:
k to 5 sts before marker, k2tog, k3, slip marker,
k3, ssk.
At same time, when
20[22, 24, 26] sts remain, join original ball
of yarn [CC] and k to end of row.
Turn work and p20[22, 24,
26] sts with CC.
Switch back to MC and p across all sts.
Work in pattern as established, working decrease
row every 4 rows 4[4, 3, 3] times and every
6 rows 0[0,2,2] times. 156 [176, 188, 208] sts
Work even until length measures
9[9, 10, 10] inches from beginning.
On next RS row, inc 1 st each side of seam markers
as follows: k to 3 sts before marker, m1, k3,
sm, k3, m1.
Work increase row every 4[4, 5, 5] rows a total
of 4[4, 5, 5] times -- 172 [192, 208, 228] sts.
At same time, when length
is 10[10, 11, 11] inches from beginning, on
next RS row, break intarsia rectangle as follows:
K to last 20[22, 24, 26] sts.
Instead of picking up the CC, continue to knit
across row with MC.
Work 6 rows entirely with MC.
On next RS row, k to last 20[22, 24, 26] sts.
Pick up CC and knit remaining 20[22, 24, 26]
sts with CC.
Work even until length is 14[14, 15, 15] inches
from beginning, ending with a WS row.
With RS of body facing,
k39[44, 47, 52] from right front.
Place marker.
Place next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on holder for underarm.
Pick up sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each
side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] sts from back, place marker,
k39[44, 47, 52] sts, place marker.
Put next 8[8, 10, 10] sts on holder for underarm.
Pick up second sleeve and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts
each side of center marker on holder for underarm.
K53[57, 61, 65] sts from sleeve.
Place marker.
K39[44, 47, 52] remaining sts from left front,
working front intarsia rectangle as established.
262[290, 310, 338] live sts, 4 seam markers,
1 marker at center of back.
On next RS row, begin raglan decreases as follows:
k 2 sts before seam marker, k2tog, slip marker,
At same time, join a third ball
of yarn 3 sts before marker in center of back.
K3 sts, remove marker, K3 more sts.
As the pattern continues, work this intarsia
rectangle as for the front, breaking both rectangles
as before, after knitting 15[15, 16, 16] inches.
Work raglan decreases
on every RS row as established a total of 20[22,
22, 24] times. 102[114, 134, 146] sts remain.
On next row (WS), work
raglan decreases as follows: p until 2 sts before
seam marker, p2tog tbl, slip marker, p2tog.
94[106, 126, 138] sts remain.
Work decrease row every row on next 0[0, 2,
2] rows. 94[106, 110, 122] sts remain.
On next two rows, BO 10[12,
12, 14] sts at the beginning of the row while
continuing to work raglan decreases every row
as established. 58[66, 70, 78] sts remain.
Drop yarn for intarsia rectangle on back and
work in MC.
Continue to work intarsia rectangle on front.
On next RS row, dec
1 st each side of neck edge while
working raglan decrease rows as established.
48[56, 60, 68] sts remain.
Work raglan decreases on next WS row. 40[48,
52, 60] sts remain.
For S only:
On next RS row, dec 0 st
each side of neck edge, at same time, begin
decreasing as follows: Work until 2 sts before
marker, k1, k2tog, slip marker, sl 2 sts knitwise,
k1, pass 2 slipped sts over, slip marker, SKP.
32 sts remain.
For M, L, and XL only:
On next RS row, dec 0[1,
1, 1] st each side of neck edge, at same time,
working raglan decrease rows as established.
[38, 42, 50] sts remain.
On next WS row, dec 0[0,
0, 1] st each side of neck edge, at same time,
decreasing as follows. Work until 2 sts before
marker, p2tog tbl, slip marker, p1, p2tog [34,
38, 44] sts remain.
For all sizes:
Put all sts on holder and
set aside, keeping markers in position. You
should have 32[34, 38, 44] sts on your holder
as follows:
Sides: 1[1, 1, 1], Back:
26[30, 32 ,38], Left Side: 2[1, 2, 2], Right
Side: 2[1, 2, 2] |
With WS facing, pick up and knit
12[13, 15, 15] sts along right neckline, k 32[34,
38, 44] sts from holder, pick up and knit 12[13, 15,
15] sts along left neckline. 56[60, 68, 74] sts.
P 1 row even.
Pick up second ball of yarn
and work corrugated rib for 2 rows, beginning with
K2 and MC. The stitches between the shoulder markers
should be p in CC.
Continue to work in corrugated
rib as established, shaping the collar between stitch
markers as noted below. Use the ball of yarn indicated
in the brackets to match existing corrugated rib.
Note: if
your increase stitch will end up as a knit stitch,
m1 with the ball of yarn you are using for knit stitches.
Continue to work all knit or purl stitches as established.
Row 1: M1[CC], k1, m1 [CC].
Row 3: P1, m1[MC], k1, p1.
Row 5: P1, k1, m1[CC], k1,
Row 7: P1, k1, m1[MC], p1,
m1[MC], k1, p1.
Row 9: P1, k2, m1[CC], k1,
m1[CC], k2, p1.
Row 11: P1, k2, p1, m1[MC],
k1, p1, k2, p1.
Row 13: P1, k2, p1, k1, m1[CC],
k1, p1, k2, p1.
Row 15: P1, k2, p1, k1 m1[MC],
p1, m1[MC], k1, p1, k2, p1.
You should have 80[84, 92,
98] sts at this point.
On next RS row, bind off
in pattern, keeping last stitch on needle.
Do not pull yarn through to bind off.
Zipper Facing
With MC and WS facing, work
right jacket edge as follows.
Pick up and knit about 18 sts along collar edge, 68[68,
72, 72] sts along body edge, and 12 sts along bottom
rib. 98[98, 102, 102] sts.
Turn work and knit 1 row.
Turn work, and bind off 18 sts for the collar, knitwise.
Knit remaining sts.
Turn work and bind off all
sts knitwise.
Repeat for the left edge.
Graft together live sts from
Weave in loose ends.
Lightly steam block to dimensions.
If desired, cut zipper
to fit and sew in place.
