138 sts. Work in garter st for 4 rows.
Change to st st and work setup row and all following
RS rows as follows:
K34, pm, k15, yo, ssk, k15 yo, ssk, k2, k2tog, yo,
k15, k2tog, yo, k15, pm, k34.
When piece measures 2.5 inches from garter st edge,
with RS facing work across to 1 st before first marker,
inc 1 st before and 1 st after marker, work across
to second marker, maintaining est st patt and rep
as for first marker.
Work this increase row every foll 4th row 3 times
then every 6th row 2 times.
Cont to work evenly in st patt until piece measures
6.5 inches from beg.
Right Back
Next row: BO 10 sts, ssk, work to 3 sts before
marker, k2 tog, k1, turn.
Next row: dec in 2nd st from beg and end
of needle. Continue decreasing 1 st at each end
of needle on every row until 4 sts rem.
Work in garter st until strap measures 8 inches.
Left Back
Attach 2nd ball of yarn at other end of garment,
work as for Right Back, reversing shaping.
Front points [make 2, one
on each side of front]
With RS facing, attach yarn to front and work ssk
dec in 2nd st from end, work across 32 sts and k2
tog, k1. Turn work and dec in 2nd st from end of
needle, work across and dec in 2nd st from end of
Cont as for backs until 6 sts rem on needle.
Next row: K2, k2tog, k2.
Work in garter st until strap measures 9 inches.
CO 34 sts.
Work 3 rows in st st
Dec 1 st at each end of next then every foll 4th
row until 6 sts remain.
Change to garter st and work evenly until entire
piece measures 15" long from beg.
CO 98 sts, then pick up 34 sts across top front
of thong. Knit back across all sts.
Next row: K1,*yo, k2 tog, rep from * to end.