With US#5 needles, CO 8[110, 124,138,
152] sts.
Work in moss stitch for 2.5 inches.
Change to US #6 needles,
and work in St st until piece measures 19[20, 20,
20, 20.5] inches
Armhole Shaping
BO 8[10, 12, 13, 14] sts at beg
of next 2 rows.
Dec 1 st every other row 8[9, 11, 13, 13] times.
Continue in St st until piece meas 28[29.5, 31,
34, 36] inches from hem.
Shoulder Shaping
BO 5[6 ,6, 8, 9] sts beg of next
2 rows.
BO 6[6, 7, 8, 9] sts beg of next 2 rows.
BO 6[7, 7, 8, 9] sts beg of next 2 rows.
BO 32[34, 38, 38, 44] back neck sts.
Front [Make 2 ,reversing shaping
on second.]
With US#5 needles, CO 49[55,62,
69, 76] sts.
Work in moss stitch for 2.5 inches.
Change to US #6 needles, and work in St st until
piece measures 19[20, 20, 20, 20.5] inches
Begin both armhole and neck shaping.
Armhole Shaping
BO 8[10, 12, 13, 14] sts at beg
of next row.
Dec 1 st, every other row 8[9,11, 13, 13] times.
Continue in St st until piece measures 28[29.5,
31, 34, 36] inches from hem.
Neck Shaping
Dec 1 st at neck edge every 5
rows 0[0, 0, 3, 0] every 4 rows 0[0, 0,16,
19], every 3 rows 15[17,15, 0, 3] times then
every row 1[0,4, 0, 0] times.
Continue in St st until piece meas 28[29.5, 31,
34, 36] inches from the hem.
Begin shoulder shaping.
Shoulder Shaping
BO 5[6, 6, 8, 9] sts beg of the
next row.
BO 6[6, 7, 8, 9] sts beg of next row.
BO 6[7, 7, 8, 9] sts beg of next row.
[Make 2]
Ruffle and Cuff Buttonholes
With US #6 needles CO 176[192,
216, 232, 256] sts.
Row 1: P.
Row 2: K.
Row 3: P.
Row 4: *K2tog* to end of row.
Row 5: P.
Row 6: *K2tog*to end of row.
Row 7: P.
Continue in St st until sleeve measures 2 inches
from CO edge.
Buttonhole rows
Row 1: K 5[6, 8, 10, 12], BO 2
sts, K to last 7[8, 10, 12, 14] sts BO 2 ,K 5[6
,8, 10, 12].
Row 2: P 5[6, 8, 10, 12], CO 2 sts over BO sts,
P to last 7[8, 10, 12, 14] sts, CO 2 sts over BO
sts, P 5[6, 8, 10, 12].
Row 3: K.
Row 4: P.
Continue in St st and begin sleeve increases.
Inc 1 st on each side every 2 rows 0[0, 0, 0, 5]
times, every 3 rows 0[0, 0, 34, 32] times, every
4 rows 11[5, 19] times, then every 5 rows 8[14,
4] times.
Continue in St st until piece meas 17.5[ 18.5, 19.5,
20.5, 21] inches.
Cap Shaping
BO 8[10, 12, 13, 14] sts each
Dec 1 st each side, every row, 11[7, 6, 14, 17]
times, then every 2 rows, 8[12, 15, 15, 15] times.
BO remaining 28[28, 34, 42, 46] sts.
Front bands and shawl collar are worked separately
then sewn together.
Front Bands
Left Front
With US#5 needles and RS facing,
begin at lower left front edge; pick up 91[95, 95,
95, 99] sts ending at the first neck decrease.
Work in moss stitch for 2 rows.
Buttonhole Rows
Work 2 sts, BO next 3sts, [work
18[19, 19, 19, 20] sts, BO 3] 4 times, work to end.
On next row, CO 3 sts over bound off sts.
Work 2 rows in moss stitch.
BO in moss stitch.
Right Front
With US#5 needles and RS facing,
begin at lower right front edge; pick up 91[95,
95, 95, 99] sts ending at the first neck decrease.
Work in moss stitch for 5 rows.
BO in moss stitch.
Shawl Collar
With US#5 needles and RS facing,
begin at right neck edge.
Pick up 48[49, 57, 73, 78] sts along the neck edge.
Pick up 32[34, 38, 38, 44] sts along the back of
the neck.
Pick up 48[49, 57, 73, 78]sts down along the neck
Break yarn.
Starting at the right
neck edge:
Slip 32[33, 38, 46, 50] sts, place
Work 64[66, 76, 92, 100] sts in K1, P1 rib, place
Begin short rows
Short rows are worked back and
forth on the collar. Starting with a portion of
the collar sts, one of the remaining sts is worked
on each row. The tricky part of short rowing is
to remember to wrap the st that will be knit in
two rows before you turn your piece. If you don't
wrap the st it will leave a hole in your piece.
Row 1: Work in K1,P1 rib to marker,
remove marker, wrap next st, turn piece.
Row 2: Work in K1, P1 rib to marker, remove marker,
wrap next st, turn piece.
Row 3: Work in K1, P1 rib to wrapped st work st
and wrap together [K or P st and wrapped thread
together], wrap next st, turn piece.
**Continue until all collar stitches
have been worked**
How to wrap
If last st worked was K, slip
st with yarn in front.
If last st worked was P, slip st with yarn in back.
Slip next stitch to right needle bring yarn between
needles to opposite side.
Slip st back to left needle.
Turn piece and continue working in pattern.

Leave a 5-6 inch tail when casting on & binding
off flowers. These ends will be used to assemble
and sew on the flowers.
Large flower [Make 8 of each color]
With US#7 needles, CO 20 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 3: Knit into the front & back of every stitch.
Row 4: Knit.
Row 5: Knit into the front & back of every stitch.
BO all sts.
Small flower [Make 6 of each color]
With US#7 needles CO 10 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 3: Knit into the front & back of every stitch.
Row 4: Knit.
Row 5: Knit into the front & back of every stitch.
BO all sts.
Assembling flowers:
Thread tapestry needle on to cast
off thread, let dangle.
Fold cast off corner over, it
forms a triangle, hold firmly.
Wrap rest of knitting around the
triangle to form a flower.
Pick up dangling tapestry needle
and stitch flower together.
Make & assemble 2 small flowers.
Sew flowers onto the back of 2 buttons.
Button through both sleeve buttonholes.