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Pink Needles


The traveling stitches on this sock remind me of waterfalls, with the cascading ribbing falling into a pool of purl stitches at the bottom of each repeat. Waterfalls are at their peak flow in the springtime here in the mountains. The snow is melting with lots of runoff, creating gorgeous scenery at a time when folks are just itching to get outside to do something other than ski or showshoe.

Meanwhile, the lace insert brings to mind new spring buds and flowers, one of my favorite signs that Spring is finally here. Spring flowers bring with them the promise of fruits later in the season; I can taste those cherries already!

Using a thinner sock yarn like the SWTC Jezebel makes for a nice Spring sock – not too warm, but still adding a bit of warmth to your toes as you hike around the rushing waterfalls, stopping to take a look at all of the pretty flowers.


Women’s small [medium]. Shown in size small.


Circumference of leg: 7[8] inches in pattern stitch, unstretched. 8.5[9.5] inches in pattern stitch, slightly stretched.
Leg length (as shown): 6.5 inches.
Foot length: Adjustable to fit.

spacer Southwest Trading Company Jezebel  [100% merino; 300m per 50g skein]; color: 689; 2 skeins

Recommended needle size:
spacer Set of 4 US #0/2mm double-point needles
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer tapestry needle


44 sts/58 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch

[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]

Needles are labeled N1, N2, and N3 representing needle 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Right Twist: K2tog, do not drop stitches off left needle, k into first stitch on left needle.

Instructions for grafting can be found here.

Click here to access the chart file. Open the JPG and print -- it will fit on one letter-sized page.


CO 72[80] sts, onto 3 dpns.  Place 18[20] sts each on N1 and N2, and 36[40] sts on N3. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist.

First round: P0[1], k1[2], p2, k2, p2, [k1 tbl, p1] 3 times, [k2, p2] 2 times, k2, [p1, k1 tbl] 3 times, p2, k2, p2, k1[2], p0[1]. Repeat this one more time to end of round.
Repeat this round 16 times total or until cuff reaches 1.5 inches in length.

Setup round: Work setup row of chart twice across the round.

Round 1: Work chart row 1 twice across the round.

Round 2: Work chart row 2 twice across the round.

Continue as established, until you have worked four full repeats of the 16 chart rows, and rows 1-15 of a fifth repeat.  You can shorten or lengthen the leg as desired -- simply make sure you end after row 15 of the chart.

Set up for heel

Heel will be worked over  the second half of the round -- 36[40] sts. Put first 36[40] sts of the round on hold for top of foot.


Heel Flap
Turn work so that the wrong side of the heel stitches are facing you.

Row 1 [WS]: Sl1, [p1 tbl, k1] 6[7] times, [p2, k2] 2 times, p2, [k1, p1 tbl] 6[7] times, p1.

Row 2 [RS]: Sl1, [k1 tbl, p1] 6[7] times, [sl2, p2] 2 times, sl2, [p1, k1 tbl] 6[7] times, k1.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 twelve more times, or until heel flap measures 2.5 inches or desired length.

Repeat Row 1 [WS]  once more. Note that if you work more rows of heel flap to accommodate a larger heel arch, you should pick up more stitches for the gusset accordingly.

Turn Heel
Row 1 [RS]: Sl1, K20[22], SSK, k1, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl1, P7, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3 [RS]: K to one stitch before gap from previous RS row, SSK, k1, turn.
Row 4 [WS]: P to one stitch before gap from previous WS row, p2tog, p1, turn.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until all stitches have been worked.
22 [24] heel sts remain.  RS will be facing. Knit all heel sts.

Move held stitches for top of foot to one needle. This needle will now be N2.

Gusset and Foot
Round 1: 
With RS facing, pick up 1 st per slipped st along first side of heel flap.  This is N1.
N2: Work row 16 of chart across.
Using an empty needle, pick up 1 st per slipped st along heel flap. This will be N3.
Redistribute sts so there are an equal number of sts on N1 and N3.


Round 2:
N1: K across, working all picked up sts through the back loop.
N2: Work row 1 of chart across.
N3: K across, working all picked up sts through the back loop.

Round 3:
N1: K to last 2 sts,  k2tog.
N2: Work next row of chart across.
N3: SSK, k to end.

Round 4:
N1: K all sts.
N2: Work next row of chart across.
N3: K all sts.

Repeat Rounds 3 and 4 until there are 36[40] sts left on the sole of the foot (N1 and N3).

Continue working Round 4 around until foot measures 1.5 inches shorter than the full length of the foot.

Round 1:
On N1: K to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
On N2: K1, SSK, k until 3 stitches rem on needle 1, k2tog, k1.
On N3: K1, SSK, k to end of needle.

Round 2: K around.

Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 until 8 sts remain on N2.

Knit all sts from N1 onto N3.


Graft sts of N2 to sts of N3.
Weave in ends.
Block if desired.


designernameBlank Kristi knits and spins in Boulder, CO (and anywhere else she happens to be). She blogs with the inimitable Cookie A. across the miles. You can find her on Ravelry as knitanonk.
