- Deep Fall 2024


FAQ for LYS Owners and Non-Profit Organizations

FAQ for LYS Owners and Non-Profit Organizations

UPDATED February 2024

We now officially encourage yarn shops, Libraries and non-profit organizations to provide a printed copy of Knitty patterns *at no charge* to their customers.
For yarn shops specifically, we know some customers are not familiar enough with the internet, or are too eager to get started, to have to wait till they get home to print out a Knitty pattern, and a yarn sale might be lost. Since one of our goals at Knitty is to support the Local Yarn Shop, a lost sale for an LYS is something we want to help avoid.

So whether you allow a customer access to your own computer/printer, provide a workstation for customer use, or provide the printout to the patron, this is officially approved by Knitty, effective immediately. Read below for full details.

Q. I own a yarn shop | I work in a library | I run a non-profit organization
and would love to offer Knitty patterns to my patrons. What can I do?

A. Every Knitty reader is permitted to print a single copy of any Knitty pattern for their own personal use. LYS owners, libraries, and those running non-profit organizations are now permitted to provide your patrons with a printed copy of Knitty patterns, provided you do not charge for this privilege.


Do you want to teach a course based on a Knitty pattern or article?
Please write directly to the designer/author with your request. You'll find each designer or author's e-mail address at the bottom of their page.

Do you want to sell kits of a Knitty pattern?
In order for you to use the picture(s) that accompany each pattern, whether in print or on your website, you must obtain the designer's permission. You'll find each designer or author's e-mail address at the bottom of their pattern page so that you can contact them. If permission is granted by the designer, please add "photo(s) used with the permission of Designer Name".

You may not print a copy of the Knitty pattern and include it with your kit. Instead, simply include the Knitty pattern's URL (see note 3 above) so that the purchaser can download a copy for themselves, and abide by copyright law.


We have been informed that some yarn shops are actually selling Knitty patterns. This is clearly a violation of copyright and should we learn of such violations, we will inform the designer so that they may exercise their legal rights.

Knitty is a popular resource for your customers and continues to help build interest in knitting worldwide. This, in turn, helps build your business.

By protecting the hard work of the designers and authors who contribute to Knitty, you are also helping to ensure that Knitty can continue for a long time to come. It's good for us all.

We thank you for your help and your respect of copyright law.